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This has a lot more swearing than usual.

If you Love your mom dearly i recommend to Not read this Chapter.

May have some unrealistic information about college schools.
(No one's PoV)

*Friday. April XX. Year 20XX*

"Five weeks..."

"FIVE FUCKING WEEKS HATE! HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET SUSPENDED FOR FIVE WEEKS?! YOU COULD'VE BEEN EXPELLED INSTEAD!" Chara yelled furiously, looking directly to the Hate covered skeleton. "Well five weeks aren't that bad, i mean now i have plenty of time to spend with you two now". Hate said sweetly while clapping his hands together like a sinless mortal (the quite opposite)

Chara looked aggressively like they were about to kick a kid into the end of the abyss and they would if they wanted to do it. "Hate you're the one who is the oldest in this house and you're supposed to take responsibilities of your own actions!" They complained "God. Your acting like Killer's bitch face of a mother" "HEY! DON'T BRING MY MOTHER INTO YOUR PROBLEMS!" Killer said pointing at Hate.

"Killer's right. I don't even look like that hoe bag!" Chara said in their defence, Hate scoffed in no suprise and Killer was irritated that he's going to be late for his third 'take' at the ballet class. Yes he actually went to the practices and he lowkey enjoyed doing it and happy about the dancing tips that he received from his other partners. He felt so comfortable and how people were being so kind to him with teaching him to be more better at doing the five position moves- "Killer awnser my question! Which of us are more like your Mother??" "Why are you guys so upset about my Mom?!" Killer yelled walking quickly outside to the car and slammed the door shut.

"Did we push him to hard?" Chara  asked looking back to Hate with a questioning face,"Nah, think about it like he was a baby bird that was thrown off the nest to the hard concreteof because their mother" He exclaimed. "The hell is wrong with you and you're quotes Hate?"  They chuckled.

"Well, now I'm kinda curious why Killer is so upset now-" Hate said in the meanwhile he looked to his right and there, the clock stood at 07:23PM,
The class starts at 07:45PM and that's why killer was so argumentative.
"HOLY- OH WE GOTTA GO!" Hate yelled grabbing Chara by the wrist, sprinting out of the door to the car were killer was waiting for them, sitting in the front seat. Hate then pushed Chara into the back seat and then ran to the driver's seat,He turned the car on and stepped on the accelerator as hard as he could.

From the outside, You could hear a Genderless teenager screaming and a weeping skeleton that is trying to take hold of another skeletons steering wheel, soon 10 minutes has been through and they finally stopped to their destination. "Thank Asgore we're here!" Chara cried, walking out of the car with pale pigment on their skin "Remind me next time, that never. And i mean never let Hate drive me to practice ever again" killer gasped out loud taking his bag on to his shoulder. The two of them left the passed out elder in the car and in the meanwhile they started running again, running and running around the big building. "DAMNIT WHICH STAIRS IS THE ROOM?!?" They ranted, opening every door they passed, usually the ballet room is in the second floor but it turns out that the people who are in charge has changed  the rooms because the past place they used was kinda small and new people were going to join.

Killer stopped in mid track and turned around to Chara and sighed
"THIS IS WHY WE SHOULD'VE ASKED THE RECEPTIONIST INSTEAD OF RUNNING PAST HIM" he growled but, then one of his friends from class tapped on his shoulder with relief look on their face. "Kills, There you are! I thought you weren't going to make it in time! Come on, say goodbye to your boyfriend now or we are gonna be late!" The person said grabbing onto killer's bag so he could follow them, leaving Chara there speechless in rage to not scream at the person who mistaken them as a boy and as killer's lover.

Soon they were in the classroom they could see some people already warming up with jumps, stretches and yoga? "Ah just in time, we were about to start without you two." A middle aged woman said helping a young girl with her stretching by pushing her back so she could reach her toe. "We're so sorry Anne Kate, I was trying to find killer and he was at the second-floor so we were running to get here in time" the kid explained in one breath. "Alright. I'll let you two guys off the hook this time, but if i see one of you late again I have to take a call with your guardians." the Lady explained, turning to the others and saying to everyone to start getting in positions. Killer sat his bag on the corner with all of the rest of the bags.

A few minutes went by and they were just going to take a water break before the door flung open to a young yellow glowing skeleton and maybe another behind him. "Huff, My apologies that we came in such a short notice but we just didn't know how to get into this big place in time so please forgive us!" The shiny sparkle kid exclaims moving to the side so the other one could come in sight too "Oh my, there's no need to be sorry since it's your first time here Young Joku's" the teacher said with a sweet tone.

(you could say that the teacher has already a favorite)

"Why don't you two introduce your selves to the class?" She asked.

"Hello! It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm Dream Joku and this is my brot-" before he could finish his sentence the taller one blocked his way and said

"I'm Nightmare Joku." 

"Oh shit."

Killer accidentally said out loud getting everyone's attention.
Killer was going to be in for a big adventure


'm back guys!

The reason why I haven't been online was becouse i was locked out of my account for some reason and my are fixed wisdom teeth and im feeling better now!  And I haven't yet to double check the story so please forgive me if there are some incorrect words in it. I think it got kinda cheesy on the end :/

(I am so sorry that i didn't keep my promise but I did do something to make up for it! I'm making a oneshot book! So please consider to check it out when it's coming out! Each chapter is going to be over 1k words too!)

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