They yelled at the same time shocked that Hate is literally in front of them and how close he almost drove over them. He was supposed to be out of town for a few weeks cause of college, why is he here? "Hate what the heck?! aren't you u supposed to be at college!?." Chara yelled smacking him on the back of his skull, feeling kinda tensed up. "Weeeeelll since I knew when you guys were done after school hour so I thought maybe I could drive you guys home" Hate said lookin kinda suspicious and ignoring the question with beads of sweat dripping down of his skull, he haved never been nice to them like this so this must've been a lie. Not a single word did Chara believe him for this inconvenience that he wanted to be suddently nice to them, Chara made the 'really' smug and turning their eyes up to the eye socketless skeleton who looks like he is still progressing what just happend, because of that Chara faked coughed getting killer's attention, he snapped out of his deep thought and looked down at Chara with a questioning face. Chara sighed "alright then let's just go inside the car and I'm calling shotgun" Chara said going on the other side of the vehicle, opening the door to the front seat sitting down leaving killer just standing there. "Kills ya coming in the car or not" Hate asked waving a hand in front of killers face. Killer nodded and went inside the car.
Time passed by sitting in the car, Hate stopped the car to go and get something in the store and parked it leaving Chara and killer inside the car alone. Chara on their phone probably in 'Monstergram' and killer just sitting there staring outside the window watching monsters and humans doing their daily activities and stuff, but one really caught his attention it was the same tall rude person they bumped into when they were going to school "Hey Chara isn't that the same rude person we bumped into this morning?" Killer pointed on the window where the person was, Chara looked up from their phone looking outside and non'surprisingly it was him, The guy was sitting outside a coffee shop kinda far away but could see him holding a coffee cup and reading a book. He looked so so much different before when they first saw him, he looked so peaceful and quiet just reading that book, killer admired that cold stare the guy was using for his reading process, he enjoyed just staring at him with fascination in his non existing eyes.(*cough* cough* creep *cough*) "huh how the name of Asgore could a big scary man that looks like they can kill someone in one blink just turned into a peaceful guy who's just reading a book like a normal citizen" Chara said confused and a bit of shock in their voice "he's kinda Hot." Killer mutterd out with confidence without thinking what he just said until he Just realize what he said "I- uhh I mean he's kindaaa. Thot!. Yeah he's a thot." killer said pulling up his hood and looked down embarrass "kills he called you no eyes and you have never actually had any interactions with him like how?! You dumb idiot?!" Chara kept going with why he should think twice before really saying anything and how he should not fall into a probably toxic relationship with someone. 'Well you know what they say' 'love at first sight' killer tought as more questions started to come up in his own mind but that was cutted off by Hate opening the car door asking "So who are y'all talking about?" Poking his head inside the car window with a funny smug squiggling his non existing eyebrows "this is none of you're business Hate" killer growled pushing Hate's skull out of the open window that's right next to him.
When did he get here!?! How much did he hear?.... oh god he's gonna make me feel like a fool if he heard. (oh so sad- ) But Chara is right, I need to think before falling into another relationship again with someone, I don't even know who he is- oh god he could even be a murderer- no even worse a (heterosexual-) asshole, no one likes a person who's a jerk to you or maybe that's you're type ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ dunno... Anyways how do i even know if he likes guys-
As i was processing what was happening and what he smacked my face with I quickly understood he was holding a translucid bag, inside the bag it looked like a blurry white shirt, a black redish tights and.. ballet shoes... he really ment it. I am joining a dumb dancing club. " Awws But you could haveacute little pink tutu dress for him instead ya'know" Chara teased at me trying to change the subject of our conversation a few minutes ago. I wonder why? Hate got into the car giving me the bag that has the outfit in it. "So that's the reason why you stopped by a store?" I asked digging more into the bag not having any eye contact with Hate. "Yup I pre-ordered it before we even told you that you were joining the ballet/dance club thingy- whatever its called eh" Hate said starting the car, fixing the rear view mirror too.
I went back to stare outside the car window again the only difference now is that everyone was starting to go home, that's until I notice that guy from earlier was sadly gone.....
(Finally! It's done :D . Sorry if i didn't update this earlier but my motivations kept me from keep writing about this chapter so this is just gonna be the end for this Chapter. I'll try to to keep follow on this and update it! And if there were any 'spelling mistakes' please comment about it^^)
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Here have a glorious picture of a Korean tit bird.. Mhm ya heard, search it up if you don't believe me.