poor Cham-p

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(I have never played the Danganronpa games, I have watched the anime and I'm just now finishing the first series so if anything is incorrect I'm sorry)

Kazuichi sighed as he walked into Gundham's cabin, which was oddly left unlocked. He saw the hamster cage and walked over to it, reaching in the cage and grabbing Cham-p, the biggest of the group and most likely to survive during this.

'Gundham, wants to sleep with Miss Sonia, two can play at that game...' he thought to himself. Now he knew what he was doing was wrong but he had to get revenge somehow. He was not turned on by fucking a hamster so he had to get an erection somehow.

(God it's been so long since I've written a smut, I'm nervous now)
He took off his jumpsuit and plopped onto the bed. He didn't want Cham-p running away so he held the hamster in one hand and the other hand taking off his boxers, his white tank-top could stay on. Cham-p squealed, he was scared, like he knew what was about to happen.

Kazuichi imagined anything he could think of that would turn him on and his first thought was miss Sonia, pinned underneath him, a pink flush over her cheeks and  she was naked. He imagined ramming into her and making her moan out his name. Oh God it was hot.

He closed his eyes to imagine it more clearly, getting a bit of an erection from it. He began palming himself with his one free hand and holding a scared Cham-p in the other. Once he was fully erect he opened his eyes again and stared at Cham-p. "I'm sorry..." He muttered before placing the small hamster on the bed.

He knew his dick was too big to fit up a hamsters ass so he spit on his hand and rubbed the spit on his cock. "I'm so, so sorry..." He repeated before shoving the tip in. There was no way he was putting his whole dick inside a tiny hamster, he didn't wanna kill the little guy. Cham-p squealed in pain. He began thrusting in and out. "Ah~ A-ah~ o-oh God~ Ch-Cham-p~"

He didn't like this not one bit but he was turned on at the same time. This had to be the worst thing Kazuichi had ever done. He felt his stomach heat up and he sped up a bit, you could hear the hamster squeals and Kazuichi's moans.

"aAh~ Ch-Cham-p~ I-I'm close~ U-ugh~" He didn't fully understand why he had to warn a hamster he was about cum but he did. He kept on thrusting in more sloppily now before he released his load into the hamster.

Then he realized Cham-p is a hamster and probably can't hold his whole load so he pulled out quickly getting some cum on Cham-p. Then the door opened and he realized he forgot to lock it. He turned around wide-eyed and looked at Gundham. "KAZUICHI!?" He shouted in shock. "Uh... I-It's not what it looks like!" He said, his face red.

Gundham looked at the bed and saw Cham-p in the terrible condition he was in. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK KAZUICHI!?" Gundham shouted. "Th-this is what you get for s-sleeping with Miss S-sonia!" He shouted back. "I SLEPT WITH A HUMAN BEING WHO HAD CONSENT! YOU SLEPT WITH A POOR HELPLESS ANIMAL WITH NO CONSENT WHATSOEVER!" That was the night Kazuichi thought he was going to die.

(God this is cursed why did I write this)

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