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why am I actually going through with this...?
TW pee kink, smut

Kazuichi was still upset with Gundham for sleeping with Miss Sonia, so he found a new way to get revenge. That day he drank as much soda and tea as he could. His bladder was full and he felt like he might burst and boy was he embarrassed he was going through with this. It was late at night when he knocked on Gundham's cabin door. After a few seconds it opened. "Hey, Gundham, I was feeling kinda lonely and I was wondering if I could-"

"Be quiet, mortal, just come inside..." Gundham cut him off, too tired to listen to his rambling. Kazuichi squeezed his thighs together for a moment, making sure he didn't burst. Gundham tiredly walked back to his bed and layed down. Kazuichi quickly walked over and layed down next to Gundham. He was going to fucking piss himself in Gundham's bed... God what was he thinking? It was too late Gundham already wrapped his arms around Kazuichi. He made himself comfortable and waited for Gundham to fall asleep.

As much as he hated the idea, the anger he had for Gundham sleeping with Miss Sonia kept him going with his plan, so he made it better by taking one of his legs and putting it between Gundham's so there legs were intertwined, he whined a bit that he couldn't just relieve himself now. Little did he know Gundham was only halfway asleep. "Mortal..." Gundham muttered, his eyes lidded. "Uh... Y-yeah..?" He asked. "Are you in that kind of mood right now..? If you are I assume I could have sex with you for a couple of minutes..." He said, pushing his leg against Kaz's crotch. Kazuichi's face went red at the assumption Gundham made. "Err- n-no I'm not... Horny... I-I'm just cold!" He said, feeling a small spurt escape from his cock, that, luckily, went unnoticed by Gundham.

"Oh... That's fine..." He said before drifting off to sleep. Kazuichi decided there was no way he was doing this awake so he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Gundham awoke to warm wetness on his leg, slightly on his body and obviously on the bed.  He hoped it wasn't what he thought it was and stared at Kazuichi for a moment. He lifted up the blanket and saw where the source of the wetness came from... Kazuichi pissed his pants...

He pulled away and sat up before shaking his boyfriend awake. Sure enough Kaz woke up. "Ugh... Yeah?" Gundham assumed Kazuichi felt the wetness as well since his eyes widened and he sat up. "You urinated on me and in my bed, mortal..." Gundham said. Kazuichi's face flushed red. "I- this doesn't u-usually happen! I-It never happens! I didn't even have a-accidents as a kid!" Kazuichi panicked and rambled on whole Gundham got lost in thought. What if he fucked Kazuichi until he pissed himself..? He didn't find piss a thing that would turn him on but... It sounded... Kind of hot...

Gundham snapped back to reality, Kazuichi was still rambling on and on. "Do you still need to go?" He asked. "Kazuichi stopped for a moment. "W-what?" He asked. "Do you still have the need to urinate?"

Kazuichi went dead silent. Gundham rolled his eyes. "Mortal! Is your bladder empty!? Answer me!" Gundham commanded. "Err... I guess I still have to piss..."

"Good" was Gundham's only answer before he began taking off his clothes. "W-what are you doing?" Kazuichi asked. Gundham wasn't supposed to be into this! "Why are you questioning my actions? Do the same!" Gundham commanded. Kazuichi paused for a moment before taking off his own clothes. They threw their clothes somewhere in the room and Gundham began kissing Kazuichi. He was shocked but eventually melted into the kiss. Gundham pulled away after a minute for breath. They were both turned on now.

Gundham began kissing Kazuichi's neck, he began leaving hickies on his neck and chest. "A-ah~ Gundham~ A-AHHhh~" Kazuichi's moans intensified as Gundham began sucking on his nipple, using one of his hands to rub the other. "O-OOOhh GOd~" Kazuichi moaned. Gundham licked Kazuichi's nipple one last time before pulling away. He shoved two fingers into Kaz's mouth. "Suck" he demanded. Kazuichi coated Gundham's fingers in saliva and after a few moments he pulled them out. Gundham lifted Kazuichi's legs up and shoved those fingers into his ass. "A-aahh~ G-Gundham~" He moaned.

Gundham began scissoring Kazuichi's hole. Once he thought he was prepared enough he took out his fingers and lined his member with Kazuichi's entrance. Kazuichi was breathing heavily but gave a thumbs up. Gundham shoved his whole length into Kazuichi with no warning. "A-AAHH~ G-GUNDHAM~" everyone could probably hear the moans coming from the cabin but they didn't think about that at the moment. Gundham began thrusting into Kazuichi at different angles til he hit his prostate. Tears formed at the corners of Kazuichi's eyes as he was filled with pain and pleasure. Gundham began hitting his prostate as hard as he could. "AAHHH~ G-GUNDHAM~ S-STOP! W-WAIT!! I'M GONNA- A-AHH~"

Gundham paused for a moment. "Y-yes?" He asked. Kazuichi paused for a moment to catch his breath. "I... I'll p-piss even more as soon as a r-reach my c-climax..." He said, still out of breath. "You act as if I don't know this." Gundham said before thrusting into Kazuichi's prostate again. "O-OH GOD~ F-FASTER GUNDHAM~" Kazuichi moaned. Gundham obeyed and began thrusting as hard and as fast as he could. "I-IM GONNA- A-AAaHhh~" Kazuichi couldn't finish his sentence as piss began slowly leaked out of his cock followed by cum. Gundham's thrusts got more sloppy and he came inside of Kazuichi's ass. He rode out his high for a moment before pulling out, leaving cum dripping out of Kazuichi's hole. Gundham plopped down beside Kazuichi. They were both breathing heavily.

"Th-that was... Hot..." Kazuichi said between breaths. Gundham nodded in agreement.

Bonus scene

The next day Kazuichi had a lot of trouble walking and everyone was tired. "So who's confronting them?" Nagito whispered to Hajime. "You are since you want someone to." Hajime whispered back pushing Nagito towards Gundham and Kazuichi. Nagito sighed as both of their attention went to him. "Hey, Nagito, ya need somethin'?" Kazuichi asked. "Uh... Yeah, you guys are too loud during sex, can you be quieter next time?" Nagito was straight forward about it. Both of their faces went red. "What? It's a simple request!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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