So, purple is safe?

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Cyan POV

"It's nearly 4 PM, lets do something, Cyan!" said pink, finishing her last bar. "Yeah, but I don't know what to do, any suggestions?" I asked. I was feeling sad a little bit, I guess she felt me. "Hey, are you okay? You seem a little bit sad, wanna talk about it?" oh god she really knows what I feel. How though? I really don't understand girls.. "I'm just feeling bad about my dad, he told me that he would be back until 3 pm, and so did uncle black, I guess, I'm just worried about them." I actually told her the truth without any hesitation, what the hell is happening to me? "Oh, okay then! I know what to do! Follow me!" she took my hand and started to run towards medbay, our medical room near the cafeteria. "What are we doing here! what if someone sees us! You know I'm afraid of Mr. Orange!" I complained "Oh! so a coward little chicken, are you? Come now, I'm a girl, and even I'm not scared!" she added. I was really scared, but I was so pumped up to retreat so, I let her guide me. "Hey Cyan! that bed is the most comfortable one in the whole spaceship! Trust me and try it out!" I wanted to try it so bad, but i knew that we needed to stay on alert, in case someone comes, and punishes us because of our behavior. I really don't know why these beds are forbidden! they really are comfortable!

I woke up to find Pink near me, poking my cheek to wake me up. When I asked her what was going on, she said "a-a c-corpse" I was shocked. "A corpse? you mean a-a dead body?" I shouted. I couldn't control my reactions, my whole body, to be honest. So, without even realizing it, we were running through the cafeteria, I was holding her hand, looking for my dad.

Purple POV
30 minutes earlier≈

"Black?" I asked to the darkness behind the lights, "You okay there, black?" I waited until he answered my question, which took a long while, so decided to check him out. "y-yeah I-I'm fine" he said. I could say that he was scared, so scared. But, why was he scared? I stopped and said "Oi black, you sure that you are ok?" I continued walking, I was getting closer to him, and I decided to show him that I was coming, so I said "black- i'm coming"  I froze on what I saw. A corpse? No. No no no no. It can't be. Another murder? I must be hallucinating or something, when did this happen? I was here? why didn't I see? "P-p-p-purple?" Black. He was looking at me. Like, like, I was an impostor or something! I opened my mouth to say that this was a misunderstanding and I was safe! But, well, he shouted; "Purple! please don't kill me! I'm you best friend, right? L-look, I will do whatever you want me to do! Okay? Please pity me! Give me mercy! pleaseeee" Even though the scene was so funny, I knew that I needed to hold my laughter, because we were actually at a crime scene too. "Look, Black, even though looking at you like this is so funny, I should tell you, I'm safe, I didn't even notice that happening, and if you need proof, just look at the corner" I showed him the vent, half opened, and covered with... well... blood. "I'm still here, and I never left the room, I'm safe, my friend" Black looked at me. His eyes were shining, and something unexpected happened, well, he...hugged me? "I'm glad! I'm so glad! I mean, I'm really sorry for White dying, but I'm just glad it's not you." he said, while crying from happiness, I think? "Okay bro, calm down now, we still have to report this body,and..." I stopped. "What's wrong, bud?" he asked, glaring at my eyes. "where is my son? WHERE IS HE?" I shouted, I just...couldn't control myself. "Hey, calm down, he is fine he's probably at the cafeteria, with pink I think" he said while laughing a little bit. I was just glad that he was safe, so I reported the body, and we met the others at the "meeting table" in the cafeteria.

"So, there has been a murder, and I want to talk about it, here's what happened..." Black started to explain what happened, and i started to look for my son, Cyan. A while later, I heard a voice; "DAD?!?!" I knew who that voice belonged to. "Cyan!" I ran towards him and cuddled him as hard as I could. And then, I saw poor pink, looking at us while we were cuddling, so I let go of our hug, and rushed towards Pink, and hugged her, "I'm glad you are safe too, Pink, thank you for protecting my son, I really appreciate it" When i let go, I saw her crying, and I felt so sorry for her, being an orphan on a spaceship, and I turned towards Cyan, and looked at him, he glared at me, and said "thank you, dad" I was happy, and I knew that our little story with Black nearly ended, so I went back to the meeting.
"So, Purple is safe, huh?" asked Yellow, looking at me
"Look I was at the reactor the whole time with blue, so please don't look at me" added green. I really hate that guy, I won't be surprised If he turns out to be the
Impostor. "I can confirm, he and I were at the reactor." said blue. But no one looked surprised when she defended her fiancée, green. "Well, I didn't see anything either, I was at the medbay, inspecting the sample, but as you all know, that it takes a long time, I decided to drink coffee at the cafeteria" Said orange. Wait, did he talk just now? I thought he didn't talk, and he swore that he would talk as less as possible, but, well, he didn't brake the promise, right? he talked for once after all. "I was at the admin, Black can confirm, I'm safe" said yellow, without any hesitation. "Well, told you guys, we have to finish our tasks as soon as possible, or the Impostor will kill us all" said red, With all of his negativity. I really don't like that guy, he's sus 3  for me. "So, we have nothing... I'm going to skip, do whatever you want to do, just lets finish this meeting already" Orange complained. Oh my god, he talked again? That's new. "I agree with orange, I will skip" said black, "I will skip for now too, but no one has real evidences for now, so all of you are suspicious to me, except for black, I'm sure he is safe." I added, and skipped.

The meeting ended, but for some reason, Red got 2 votes; 1 orange, and 1 yellow

OMG this episode has 1188 words bruh, this took a looong while to write, so, hope you liked it!

-Esdeath out

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