Welcome, one and all,
I welcome you to the second iteration of God's Will, the dystopian short story I had to write for my English class in the tenth grade - which i hate to admit was three and a half years ago.
It's a short story, and I mean that, only a few chapters but hopefully it still tells a fully developed story as I was hoping it would! The dystopian world sees the main antagonistic government/state that runs a warped version of Christianity which it uses to manipulate and repress its massive population.
As such some of the opinions in this book are incredibly sexist and misogynistic. These are not my actual opinions so please don't lash me for this! Not everyone seems to understand that, and you'll find some hateful comments, including some garbage counter comments by me as I tried to defend my work - poorly. Back in 2020-22 I was a harass conservative who didn't actually understand any of the stuff I was talking about. I published this for fun, so I'm not looking to get the cancel hammer brought down.
Because some people, no matter what type of book it is, will assume that if a character holds a controversial or offensive belief, then the author automatically has those beliefs as well. I have actually had to block a number of people personally for harassing me in my direct messages because of that. So please don't, also, if someone leaves a controversial comment, do not hunt them down and attack them for it. It isn't nice.
Here is a brief list of some of the stuff you will encounter here, just so you are aware.
1. Homophobia/Anti-Gay Repression
2. Sexism
3. General Misogyny
Also, the character is in a bit of an abusive marriage and so some of the themes of that are prevalent, but I try not to get too extreme. I have had people slander me for not warning them about it, but in a real, published, printed book there is no warnings chiefs and you can't do anything if your feelings get hurt.
All in all, that's all I have to say here, I developed the world a bit more so I'm excited to see what you all think!
As of January 01, 2022 A.D, publication of this work was officially recognized by the Imperial Library of the Empire. This is despite its initial publication on October 05, 2020 A.D
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God's Will
General FictionMia Sternberg lives in a world that nobody would want to live in. A world where children are married off at fifteen and forced to have children at sixteen. Where women are slaves to men but it's all because of a man who claims to be a Prophet, who...