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It's the 1950s, and Seo Soojin can feel the expectations from society breathing down her neck.

The church bells ring, and her eyes are still averted to the floor. She feels a burning fire in her stomach, her hands shakily turning the pages of the Bible slowly when she feels a presence.

She knows she shouldn't look up, it's wrong.

But the forbidden is so desirable and so she does, right into icy blue eyes, and now the image won't leave her brain, no matter how much she tries to forget it.

And when soft lips lock with her own, she gives everything up because the heart wants what it wants.

This is the summary for a new story of mine, which takes place in the 1950s, what is considered to be a relatively conservative time period. I know I shouldn't be starting another story when I can't update properly but the plot just came to my mind, and it would be criminal if I didn't deliever.

So, with that being said, I hope you enjoy the story, and I'm very sorry for my inconsistency!

the heart wants what it wants | sooshuWhere stories live. Discover now