Chapter Fourteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, I'm sorry it's taken me forever to update but I really hope you like it, It's more of a filler chapter then anything else, Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

I've never felt so nervous before. I feel like my hearts just going to drop out my chest. Last night me and Zayn made our way home, Zayn's gang was ready to meet me, And I was ready to have a heartattack. I really want them to like me and I know it would mean alot to Zayn if they did, I'm not expecting them to accept me straight away, I mean I am related to there biggest rival, But at the same time I've chosen Zayn over Sean so if Zayn's gang don't accept me I have no where else to go. My hearts never beated so much before in my life, I'm shaking like mad and I feel like I'm going to collapse. I sighed heavily as I looked out the car window watching all the houses go past, I want to be accepted, I want to be accepted so badly.

"Nialler, What's up?" Zayn asked.

"I'm just scared, What if they don't like me?" I stated.

"They'll love you" Zayn exclaimed.

"I'm not sure, I know how much they mean to you, And I understand your loyalty to them, If they don't like me I wouldn't want you to feel torn between the both of us" I explained, Zayn shook his head.

"Nialler your overreacting. The boys they will love you, The fact your Sean's cousin will mean nothing to them, Your with me and you make me happy, That's all that matters" Zayn stated, I smiled as he took hold of my hand. A few moments later we arrived at what I assumed was Zayn's house, My breath hitched as my nerves flooded back, My heart began beating once again at a abnormal pace. Zayn pressed the car horn informing the boys that we had arrived, He then climbed out the car and grabbed his bag, I opened the car door before climbing out and taking a deep breath, Come on Nialler you have to be calm. Seconds later Zayn was by my side and he had his arm around my shoulder, We then began walking to the door, I hadn't noticed that Liam was already standing there, Zayn smiled at him.

"Welcome to your new home Niall" Liam said with a smile, I smiled at him before walking through the door.

"Where's the lads?" Zayn asked.

"Sitting room, There looking forward to seeing you" Liam replied, Zayn nodded before pulling me towards a door. We walked into a room full of lads, I assumed they were Zayn's gang. 

"Boys" Zayn said, They all looked up and smirked at Zayn. "How you been?" Zayn asked cooly, All the boys nodded there heads at him, Then all attention was on me. "This is Niall" Zayn said as he dropped an arm around my shoulder.

"So your Sean's cousin?" One of the boys said, I timidly nodded my head.

"Lou stop scaring the poor fucking kid, Ignore him mate he's a teaser" A curly haired boy said, I nodded my head. "I'm Harry" The boy said as he extended his hand to me, I took it before smiling at him.

"Nice to meet you" I said, Harry chuckled before pulling me into a hug, I heard Zayn chuckle happily behind me. 

"Don't be shy around us kid, We don't have a problem with you, Just your cousin" Lou said, I nodded my head.

"See I told you there was nothing to worry about" Zayn stated as he pulled me against his chest, I smiled at him before placing a kiss to his lips.

"Aww Zayneys in love" All the boys shouted, Zayn bursted out laughing.

"Fuck off you lot" He said with a grin on his face, I smiled as I buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"Welcome to the family Niall" Liam said.

"Yeah if you have any problems you come and tell us" Louis said.

"Your one of us now, nobody messes with you" Harry stated, I smiled at them all.

"Thanks guys"

Zayn's Pov:

The boys did exactly what I knew they would, They accepted Niall. I knew he was nervous but I also knew there was nothing to worry about. Niall he fit in perfect, Liam's getting him settled in, Harry's said he's going to look out for Niall when I'm not around, And the rest of the boys have said they have Niall's back, He's been accepted into the family and that's all I was asking. 

"Thanks boys" I said once Niall left the room for a shower.

"He's a decent lad Zayn, Even if he is related to a total prick" Louis said, I nodded my head in agreement.

"Honestly I couldn't think of anyone better for you to fall inlove with" Liam stated.

"He's a brilliant kid, Not bad for your first love Zayn" Harry commented, I laughed.

"Honestly boys I'm going to say this and if you tell anybody I'll kick the fuck out of you, But I think he's the one" I stated. 

"Zayn mate that's amazing" Liam said as he pulled me into a hug, I blushed before shaking my head. 

"Listen boys I have to talk to you. When Sean finds out about me and Nialler, You can imagine the trouble it's going to cause, Now I don't want no trouble brought to Niall" I stated.

"What kind of trouble? He's Sean's cousin, Sean wouldn't hurt Niall would he?" Louis asked. 

"Andy would" I mumbled as the images of Andy touching Niall filled my mind.

"What happened?" Liam asked.

"Before we went away, Andy tried it on with Niall, He got away but if he didn't Andy would have raped Niall" I spat out.

"Then he needs to be taught a lesson" Louis stated.

"I agree, But I don't want Niall there" I replied, All the boys nodded. 

"Li can you get Danielle to stay with him?" Harry asked, Liam sighed.

"I don't think we should go after Andy, I mean he's a physco Zayn" Liam stated.

"He touched Niall Li, What am I supposed to do? Sit back and let him get away with it? Niall's my boyfriend, I have to protect him" I exclaimed, Liam sighed once again before nodding his head.

"I'll call her but she won't be happy about this" He said.

"Thank you Li, Boys I'm going to make sure Nialler's settled in" I replied before leaving the room.

Things are perfect, All the people in my life that mean the most to me are in one house.. I smiled to myself as I walked in my bedroom to find Niall laying down on my bed in my clothes, He looked over to the door smiling when he saw me.

"Hi" He whispered, I smiled before making my way over to him.

"You settled in ok?" I asked, Niall nodded his head. 

"It's amazing here Zi, The boys are great" He replied.

"I told you they'd love you" I stated, Niall laughed before shaking his head.

"I do have one complaint though" He said.

"What's that baby?" I asked as I gently stroked his hair back.

"Beds a little lonely" Niall stated with a smirk on his face, I bit my lip before replying.

"Well then I better sort that out" I then climbed into the bed and took Niall in my arms, He sighed happily before laying his head on my chest.

"Niall are you happy?" I asked.

"Of course I am, I'm here with you nothing else could make me happier" He replied, I bit my lip before taking a deep breath, It's now or never.

"Niall I've never said this to anybody before, And when I'm saying it to you I mean every word, I love you Niall, I really do love you" I stated, Niall blushed before looking down.

"I love you Zayn" Niall replied before leaning in and kissing me gently. I'm glad Niall's the first person I get to experience real love with, Hopefully he's the only one because right now I can honestly see myself spending the rest of my life with him.

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