Chapter Two

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Heya guys here's the next chapter, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

Ireland's always been my home, I've never wanted to be away from there, I've never lived anywhere else. The streets of Ireland is what I know it's where I want to be. I've grown up in a tight net family, They have respect and we all know our limits. It's easy for me to fit in there, Ireland's a small place everyone knows everyone, Because of this I don't have very many friends. I'm the shy boy next door kind of kid. I've never fit in which is why my parents have sent me away. They've sent me to live with my cousin Sean Cullen. Myself and Sean have always been close ever since we were little kids. We used to do everything together that was until he moved away. I'm glad to be back with him again, But part of me can't help but wonder why can't people accept me for what I am? 

"Nialler" Sean said snapping me from my thoughts. 

"Oh erm yeah sorry" I said finally realizing where I was. 

"What's wrong? You totally spaced out" He asked. 

"Nothing, Just tired you know? Jet lagged" I replied, Sean nodded before pulling out his wallet, He paid for the food we had just eaten before standing up and grabbing my bags, I smiled thankfully at him before standing up and walking out the door. I've decided upon coming here I'm going to keep myself to myself, According to Sean it's not a nice area and I don't want any trouble here. I quickly jumped into his car and began taking in each thing that passed me. We arrived at Sean's a while later, I climbed out the car before walking up to his front door, Sean opened the door and I smiled thankfully before walking in. 

"Well Nialler welcome to your new home" He said while smiling at me, I nodded my head before taking it in, The house was pretty big, The inside was nothing special, you had the basic staircase which clearly led to upstairs, There was a long hall that I decided to wander down.

"Nialler wait I'll show you around" Sean said before dashing over to me. 

"Ok" I replied.

Sean showed me the whole house. He showed me where the sitting room was, A little game room where all his friends were, They all smiled at me and introduced themselves. He then showed me the kitchen, My eyes lit up upon seeing it, It was beautiful then again I always find places like that beautiful, for some reason though it looked as though it had never been used. I asked Sean about this and he said they basically live on takeaway. He then took me up the stairs and there was alot of rooms. He showed me his room, The boys rooms also known as the spare rooms, He then showed me my room. It's alot bigger then the one I have in Ireland. I had a bathroom in my bedroom so Sean said there was no reason in showing me where that was. We then came across another room that Sean walked straight past. 

"Sean?"I asked. 

"Yeah buddy?" He replied before turning around. 

"What's in there? You didn't show me" I questioned. 

"Oh, Erm that's just my little study Nialler, There's nothing major in there it would bore you actually" Sean exclaimed, I raised my eyebrow not believing him but I nodded my head anyway. 

"I think I'm going to go for a little walk" I said. 

"Hang on I'll come with you" He said, I rolled my eyes. 

"I'll be fine Sean, If I get lost I'll ring you" I assured him, He sighed before nodding his head. 

"Just don't talk to anyone ok? There's some freaks out at this time" I nodded my head in understanding before walking down the stairs and out the door, I sighed once outside, I then inhaled the night air before walking down the path and down the road. 

I've been walking now for what seems like an hour. I love being outside and just walking, I don't fully know what it is but I've always enjoyed it. I like having my own space to explore. After another half an hour I decided it was best for me to head back. As I was walking back I wasn't fully paying attention to where I was going and I ended up crashing into somebody, we both fell to the concrete floor. 

"Watch where your fucking going!" A voice said causing me to shiver with fear. 

"I'm so sorry" I whispered quickly getting to my feet and extending a hand to the person I bumped into, They looked up and I was greeted by the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen. 

"Erm, Don't worry about it, It was erm my fault" They said before taking my hand, I pulled him to his feet before smiling. 

"I'm sorry I really should watch where I'm going" I commented, He shook his head.

"No honestly, it's alright" I smiled at him before nodding my head, The boy was just about to open his mouth before my phone rang. 

"Erm I better take this" I said. 

"Yeah" The boy mumbled. 

"Sorry again" I replied before walking away rather quickly. I answered my phone and was bombarded with questions from Sean, I rolled my eyes assuring him I would be home soon. I then put my phone back in my pocket and began walking home. The whole time I couldn't get this beautiful boy out my mind, Who was he? Was he an angel? Because he definitely looks like one. I sighed before shaking my head, Niall he's a complete stranger who you know nothing about so stop it! I mentally slapped myself before continuing to walk back to Sean's, Once I arrived I heard him speaking with one of his friends. I decided to listen while I took off my jacket. 

"We need to make sure he stays away from Niall" Sean said. 

"We can't stop them if they bump into eachother. You said Zayn doesn't know what Niall looks like so stop worrying" His friend assured him. I raised my eyebrows. 

"I know, But you know what Zayn's like, There's always a chance Ray, I won't risk Niall, Zayn Malik has to be kept away from him" Sean replied, I shook my head before quickly shouting. 

"I'm home" Moments later Sean was out the sitting room and he gave me a quick hug. 

"How was the walk?" He asked. 

"Pretty good, I'm actually tired so I think I'm going to head off to bed" I replied, Sean nodded before I walked up the stairs. Once I was inside my room I pulled off my shirt before laying down. That boy was still in my mind, Who is he? I wonder if I will ever see him again? How could he look so perfect even when his ass was plastered all over a pavement? And who the hell is Zayn Malik and why does he have to be kept away from me? I sighed before laying down, There's alot Sean's not telling me and if he won't tell me I'm going to have to find out myself.

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