Pick up lines

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Prompt: In which a store owner, Kongpob, watches as his cashier crashes and burns(or maybe not)...
Pairing: Forth/Beam(2moons)

I honestly just want to see Forth suffer a little hehehe...

(I like ChampNo becuz why the hell not, they so cute uwu)


In all his years of working, Kongpob had never seen a more awkward person. Nor a more awkward situation, if he was honest.

Though perhaps awkward was not the right term to describe the tall and strongly built man that stood behind the counter, but he could see no other word fit for what was unfolding before him.

It had been a quiet night. The constant bustle and rush of the day dwindling down into a comfortable soft pace as fewer and fewer people came in. The store's fluorescent lights mingled with the soft yellow string lights-that still hung even though Christmas had been three months ago-casting a strangely warm tint on the relatively small store. He hadn't had the time to take them down, despite not being a fan of putting back his work, but he thought they fit in well with the quaint places' ambiance.

His presence wasn't necessarily required that day. Or the past few days for that matter. In fact, the place could safely run if he had left it in Techno's care. Or even his cashier's, but he had wanted to observe their work today. Besides, he had shipments coming in at a late hour that required his signature so it wasn't as if his visit was a total loss.

He looked up from the papers in his hand when a soft knock propelled him to shift his eyes towards his office door. Techno gave a small smile before entering to sit down opposite his friend and boss.

"Boss, are you staying back today, or what?"

He smiled at the other man. Techno had always been a pleasant person to be around. Except when he would drink and babble your ear off till morning, but besides that, he had always been Kongpob's closest friend.

They had studied high school together but were never as close as they were now. After graduating, they subsequently lost touch, and it wasn't until a few years back when they had accidentally met in a bar that they reconnected. The two had been inseparable since. Especially when Techno was there for all of Kongpob's love woes and misfortunes.

"Yeah. I have a shipment coming in in an hour or so, till then I guess you're stuck with me."

Techno chuckled. "Then it's a pleasure boss." He mock bowed from where he was sitting causing Kongpob to flick his pen at him. "But seriously, maybe you should go home after. Don't stay like you always do with the pretense that you're supervising."

"I am supervising, though."

"Yes, you are. But it's not necessary and you know it. Besides, we both know damn well you just don't want to go home and be alone, so how about I hook you up with one of Tharn's friends?" His eyes glinted with mischief and the older of the two was almost slightly scared.

Kongpob scrunched his nose in disdain. It wasn't that he wasn't open to the idea of relationships, on the contrary, somewhere deep inside his heart he had always craved for one, it was just that as lovely as love was it also required time and effort that he wasn't sure he was willing to give just yet. So yes, he didn't like where this conversation was heading.

"Thanks but no thanks. I've had enough of your matchmaking please." God knew how many blind dates Techno loved to set him on. He was only slightly worried if his friend might one day join forces with his mother and strap him to a chair-for speed dating purposes of course. He shivered. He doesn't even want to imagine.

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