Day 3: "C, O, F, F, double E. I'm Falling For You Constantly"

437 17 13

October 3rd 2020
Prompt: Inspired by a song
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Song: Coffee by Reinaeiry

Cute boy.

That's all my brain could focus on when I met him.

I, being the nervous wreck I was, only managed to utter out: "I-coffee...please." Finished with an embarrassing squeak. He had given it to me in a to-go cup, handing it over with a warm smile as I snatched it and hurried away.

Here I was now. Sitting like a dork in the booth as I cupped my hands around the drink, taking tiny sips so I could prolong my time to watch him work. There was a big group of them that worked at the shop but he was always on coffee, whistling away as he organized the beans or attempting to draw little figures like warped smiley faces in the cream. I took another minuscule drink, fighting back a cough as the rich, bitter taste made my eyes water.

"Now this is just sad." I looked up to see the disapproving face of my best friend. Her pink lips drawn into a frown, freckled nose scrunched, and her eyes practically disappearing under her eyebrows.

I sighed and gestured for her to sit. She brushed a lock of her frizzy brown hair away, taking a seat and glancing back at the barista, a joyful smile on his perfect face as he laughed and talked with his fellow employees.

"Si, you gotta stop. This is stalkerish." She tsked, adjusting her black beret. She's always had a good taste in hats.

  I avoided her gaze, keeping my own locked on him. "No, it's not."

"You need to focus on getting a gig." She directed the topic into a different direction. "Did you ask that pizza place?"

  I sighed. "I tried Mackenzie, but I barely got a stuttered 'H-hi can I-' before they were already rejecting me."

  Mackenzie shook her head. "You need to be confident and go for it! If not you'll be stuck as a dog walker, wasting all your money here."

  I smirked. "Come on, you know you're going to end up pitching in a dollar or two towards a drink."

  "As much as you and attractive barista are my OTP I'm not donating money to over-priced coffee you don't even like." Mackenzie huffed. I rolled my eyes, taking another small drink and trying to poker-face through my urge to hack.

  "I have a different plan." Mackenzie revealed smugly. Uh oh. I shook my head quickly but to my horror she continued talking. "You can get a gig here by asking Mr. Coffee-Man and therefore wooing him with your melodious music."

  She did exaggerated hand gestured. "BAM!" She yelled like it solved everything. I pushed her arm away from my face. My face heating up as people glanced at us.

  "Shut up, I'm not doing that." I hissed.

  "Why not?" Mackenzie wrapped her arm over my shoulders, causing my coffee to shift dangerously. "Sometimes you just gotta go out there, Siena! Fight for what you want!"

  I ducked under her arm and stood. "It's a lot easier when you can talk to the guy but unfortunately I can barely even order coffee from him. Goodbye Mackenzie!" I waved and turned out the door.

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