Day 15: The Lonely Corner of the Shake Shop

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October 15th 2020
Prompt: "excuse me- that was my smoothie."

   Siena hoped she wasn't bobbing her head to violently as she raised the volume of her music. She was sitting at a table at a milkshake parlour, enjoying a mango-orange-cream smoothie. Siena usually wasn't a big orange fan but the smoothie was delicious. She scribbled in her notebook, humming alone as she wrote in the chords under the lyrics of her latest song. Everything was peaceful. People chatted at a good volume in the shop, the sky was sunny, and there were beautiful fall colours outside.

Then suddenly Siena jolted when a hand appeared and covered her eyes, another arm wrapped around her and grasped her smoothie, gently pulling it from her grasp. Siena relaxed, an amused smile tilting at her lips as she turned to look at the newcomer, her suspicions were proven correct when lips pressed themselves against hers. Siena batted the hand away and was met with mischievous brown eyes. It was Cole. It was a relief since Siena just kissed him, if it had been someone else it would've been really freaking awkward.

"Hey there." Cole said innocently, sitting down in the seat across from her and watching as his girlfriend tugged out her ear buds and put away her music.

"What brings you to this lonely corner of the shake shop?" Siena knit her hands together and rested her chin on them.

"Oh you know....I wanted to see my girlfriend." Cole gave a wide grin and quirked an eyebrow. Siena rolled her eyes and reached for her drink that was still held captive by her partner, only to frown when it was retracted from her reach.

"Can I get you anything?" a waiter asked kindly.

  Siena glanced at Cole, expecting him to order only for him to beam at the worker and raise her drink. "I'm good, thank you." Siena watched the waiter walk away before turning to Cole who was sipping at the delicious treat.

  "Excuse me- that's my smoothie." Siena scolded, raising an eyebrow as she reached for it. Cole turned away, leaning back in his chair while sucking at the straw, a smile on his face when Siena scowled at him.

  "Are you paying for that?" Siena huffed, falling back in her seat.

  Cole thought for a moment before sliding it back to her. Siena's jaw dropped in exaggerated disbelief. "Wooooooooowwww." She drew out the vowel, emphasizing it as she gave him an unimpressed look before taking a drink.

  "What if we split the smoothie and the pay?" Cole offered. Siena thought for a moment before agreeing, taking a straw from the container in between them.

  Cole smiled triumphantly and gently moved the glass while it was still in Siena's hands so he could take another sip. "That's really good." Cole examined its contents. "What is it?"

  "Mango-orange cream." Siena answered, stealing it back much to Cole's chagrin.

  "You don't like orange." Cole pointed out as he swiped for the glass.

  Siena shook her head at him, giving him a squint-eyed glare as she took a large pointed swig. "I don't but I like this."

  Cole pouted and kicked her ankles under the table. "I though we agreed on splitzies."

  "I thought we agreed on you getting your own damn food." Siena said rather boldly.

  Now it was Cole's turn to drop his jaw. "I can't believe you'd say that! I thought sharing was caring!"

  Siena snorted but she stopped when Cole sneakily inched a hand to her notebook and yanked it towards him.

  "No, no, no, no, no, no-" Siena tried to lunge at no, but he was already reading with vigorous enthusiasm.

"Aw." Cole gave her a teasing pout. "Love, you changed my life. I thought it was a fairytale but really it was all so real and I couldn't be more thankful to have you with me now." He read.

"Shut up." Siena felt like her cheeks were on fire as she stole it back. "Go drink your smoothie." She grumbled, shoving it back to him.

Cole smirked, sipping the smoothie as he quirked an eye at her. "Does this make me you're Prince Charming?"

"You better close your mouth or I'm taking back that drink."

Just a lil fluff for you all to gobble up. Enjoy.

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