Forah's Ballad: Shattered Glass

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                                                                    *White Willow Village *

Altu loomed above his bed, staring at the most precious item that anyone has ever put him in charge of. Shinobi has put Altu in such an honor he just couldn’t believe it was true. The boy stood there staring at Forah’s Amulet for ages, which is until someone knocked on his bedroom door.

“Altu, you have better be dressed! The goats will never milk themselves!” A young female’s voice bellowed on the other side of the thin door. He quickly lifted the jewel from his sheets and slipped it under his pillow. “Let’s go!” The girl hollered.

“I’m coming, sister!” Altu opened the door. A young lady, older than him of course, stood in a beautiful night blue dress. Her smooth black hair was let down to flow to the middle of her back. Her icy blue eyes were well made known all thanks given to the blue gem that hung from a golden chain around her neck. “Anisa, where are you going?” Altu looked at her in confusion.

“To meet someone.” She smiled. Anisa stepped back and twirled in a circle. “Do I look alright?” Her smile disappeared wondering if she had over done herself or not enough.

Altu gave his sister a wide complimenting smile. “Sister you look as beautiful as…..well nothing could beat your beauty!”

“Oh thank you Altu!” She swooped forward grabbing her brother. Anisa hugged him with the biggest smile in the world. She let go and pinched his cheek playfully. “You’ll make for a good gentleman one day.”

“Anisa stop.” Altu let out a small laugh. “I have to go. The goats won’t milk themselves.” He winked making her laugh for using her words.

Altu grabbed a silver metal milk pail that sat by the door and ran out to gather the herd of goats. He took a deep breath and let it out. The night was a mysterious time that he loved to venture. He walked a small dirt path from his home to the main road. The small sharp rocks nipped at his feet but he didn’t mind. The summer night welcomed mosquitos that buzzed around trying to annoy the relaxed boy, yet they couldn’t bother him. Altu would give anything to enjoy a night like this.

As he reached the road a wagon’s wheels and stomping hooves filled the empty soundless night. He walked down the road wondering who would be out this late. A faint lantern could now be seen that hung on a pole from a huge wagon. Altu stepped to the side of the rocky road and squinted is eyes in attempt to recognize the animal pulling the wooden contraption. The wagon had gotten closer, into full view, but Altu hadn’t known the animal or the wagon.  Two wide white donkeys heaved as they pulled a wagon, painted white, at least four times larger than they are.

Altu looked for a man whom drove the animals but only found a small figure wearing a dark brown cloak. As the wagon reached the boy it stopped so he was in even sight of the driver. Thin frail hands held a leather lead that looked like they were stained with blood. Altu looked for a face but only received darkness in the hood. The mysterious person’s head turn to see the boy. The figure’s left hand released the lead and pointed to Altu, slightly shaking. Its long fingers reached for him as he stood his ground. He wondered what the person wanted. Altu let his curiousness run for him, reaching his hand for the person’s. His hand was nearly touching the person’s as it summoned him to step closer. Altu’s light green eyes grew wider as his stomach turned.

An instinct was telling him to turn and run for the house. Run as fast as his legs could handle and to get something before someone else did. He threw it away and stepped toward the person. The thin hand gripped onto Altu and pulled him up onto the wagon. A gasp escaped the boy as the person held the neck of his shirt. He stared into deep purple eyes, blood red lips were shaped to a predatory grin, and he couldn’t tell whether it was a woman or man. No fear had overcome him yet his curiosity grew larger by the second. The figure under the cloak looked him over and exhaled loudly. Its breath had a menacing yet attracting scent, pulling Altu into a faint daze. The cold hand let go of him and he fell to the ground.

Forah's Ballad: Shattered GlassTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon