Chapter 61: My Answer

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Wonyoung's POV

"No please don't take her!"

"Wonyoung! Wonyoung wake up!"

I woke up and I am crying. Is that just a dream? A nightmare? And seems like I am now here at hospital


"Yes baby shhh don't cry, don't cry" she said and hugs me"

"M-mom where is Yujin? She's alive right?"

My mom helped me to find Yujin's room and when we are here she left me there to go back to my room.

I'm here in front of Yujin's room, and I just saw a man on his 40's coming out, he must be Yujin's dad

"You must be Wonyoung?" He asked

"Yes sir, I'm Jang Wonyoung" I answered and bowed at him

"I'm not expecting for us to meet like this but uhhm can we talk?"

"Sure sir"

We are now here at the chairs at the hallway

"Sir I'm so sorry, this all happened because of me, I'm sorry"

"No Wonyoung, I should be the one to apologize. This happened because of me. If I didn't set her up in an arrange marriage maybe Yeji wouldn't hoped that much. It's my fault"

"But still Yujin's life was in danger because of saving me"

"My daughter loves you that's why she did that. Even me, I was amazed that she can do such thing for the one she loves and I'm proud of her. Wonyoung please take care of my daughter and love her, we may not be on her side 24/7 but at least I know that someone is there for her"

"Yes Mr. Ahn I would love to do that and I want to stay by her side too, no matter what happened"

"Thank you Wonyoung and don't call me Mr. Ahn or sir, just call me uncle" he smiled at me and I smiled at him too

I entered Yujin's room and there I saw Yujin lying down, she has a bandage on her head and bruises on her face, she's sleeping peacefully and I remember my nightmare and I can't help but to shred tears as I sit beside the bed

She's still sleeping but I'm glad there's nothing worst happened to her

"i thought you already left me, I didn't know what I'm going to do if that nightmare really happened. I don't want to lose you" I said as I hug her and keep crying. I really love her

"I told you, I will do everything for you"

I look up and I saw her smiling at me, she's awake!

"Yujin! You're awake, thank God" I said and hug her again

"I won't going to leave you, I won't do that" she said while caressing my head

"Yujin I'm sorry for not listening to your side, I'm sorry for being so harsh on you, I'm sorry because this happened to you. You shouldn't have catched that bullet for me"

"Love, you don't have to say sorry. When I say I will do everything for you, I mean it. Even though it causes my life I will do it because that's how much I love you" she said while wiping my tears and I can't help but to smile

"I love you too Yujin, thank you for everything" I said and hugs her again cause I miss her so much, I just want to stay by her side I don't want to go back to my room

"How are you, are you feeling okay now?" She asked

"I'm fine there's no need to worry about me cause I'm barely hurt, what about you, how's your wounds? Does it still hurt? Do you want me to call the doctor?"

"I'm okay now love, you don't have to worry"

"Oh you're awake" we looked at the owner of the voice and it's the doctor

"Hello doctor" I greeted him

"Hello too can I disturb for a while? I will just examine her"

"Yeah sure" I said and I sit on the couch at the corner and the doctor started to examine her, checking her heartbeat, her wounds and asked her few questions and after few minutes it's done

"You're doing well Yujin I guess in just few more days you will be discharged"

"Thank you doctor" Yujin said

"You're welcome, I have to go now I still have a lot of patients if you need anything just call the nurses" the doctor said and he left

I walk towards Yujin and she gestured  me to sit beside her on her bed and I did it

"So you already forgive me?" She asked

"What do you think?"

"I don't know... I want to know"

I didn't answer instead I just lean towards her and kiss her...

I miss her lips...

At first, she didn't respond  but later on she moved her lips and started to reciprocate my kiss

After a minute we pull away and catched our breath

"That's my answer" I said and she smiled showing her cute dimples, she was about to pull me again for another kiss but we heard knock on the door

"Wait I will just open the door" I said and was about to stand up but she held my hand which made me stop

"You're leaving me?" She asked while pouting

"I won't leave you pabo, I will just open the door" I said and gave her a peck on her pouting lips

When I open the door I saw my mom and dad

"Dad!" I said and hugs him, I didn't know that he's here too because when I woke up I only saw mom

"Of course baby I'm here too I just fixed your hospital bills by the way how's Yujin? Can we see her?" Seems like dad is excited to see Yujin huh

"She's awake now" I said and let them in and immediately went to Yujin

"My daughter in law!!!" He said loudly

"Uncle!" They hug each other like they haven't seen each other for decades

Seems like Yujin is his child and not me lol

"Yah honey stop squeezing Yujin so hard, she's not yet fully recovered" Mom said and dad immediately released Yujin

"Hehe sorry I'm just too excited so how are you?" Dad asked her

"I'm fine now uncle, the doctor said just few more days and I will be able to discharge"

"That's great!"

"Yujin thank you for saving my daughter" mom said

"It's nothing auntie, you know that's how much I love Wonyoung that I will risk my life for her"

"That's my daughter in law!" Dad said, he's so hyper right now

"Oh by the way Wonyoung your doctor is looking for you for check up because you will be discharged today" mom said

"Okay Mom" I said and when I look at Yujin she looks like a sad puppy

"Don't be sad love I will comeback soon" I said


"I promise, I will comeback soon, will take care of you. I will be your personal nurse"

SURPRISE! Hehehe I won't let Annyeongz to be tragic because Annyeongz is superior!!!
Now y'all can breath peacefully.

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