The Devil's House

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So I am very excited to be able to write a bunch of Halloween stuff, which is what will be mixed with regular stories over the month. I'm using a 15-day writing prompt thing idrk, but I don't have enough energy to do one for the full month. and the first is 'Ghost' so here is my take on that.

"I can feel the evil from here," Archie commented with a shiver as they started towards the historic house, it was referred to as The Devil's House where the Black Hood and his family lived years ago, well before he murdered them and himself.

"Calm down Archie, it's just a house" Jughead scoffed as they walked up the stairs with flashlights in hand and a sense of fear in only a few of the kids. He was also intrigued by murderers and everything involved with them; families, kids, victims, etc... but he never believed in ghosts "Well you don't believe in ghosts, so shut up" Veronica snapped.

Jughead was the first to reach the deep red door, turning back to his friends as he waited for them to do something. "I'm not going in first, someone else do it," the redhead jock said, turning around to look around the abandoned neighborhood.

Jughead huffed out an annoyed breath as he rolled his eyes before he grabbed the gold doorknob and pushed the door wide open, creaking on its way to hit the wall next to it. A blast of cold air rushed from the house that hadn't been inhabited for years.

"Well, go on Hobo" Cheryl pushed him a bit and Jughead turned to her with a scowl before stepping into the foyer of the house, flashlight shining in the dark parts of the room.

He started towards the living room that was at his right, hearing the rest of his friends enter the house, and the door slam shut behind them. Veronica squeaked at the loud thud and the sudden darkness and Jughead could hear the thud from her jump.

Unlike everyone else in this room, Jughead had read up about the murderer that had terrorized Riverdale not so long ago before coming to his house. His name was Hal Cooper, he was an employee at the now-closed down Riverdale Register and his dad was also a murderer.

He had two daughters, one who had lived out the rest of her life in a cult with the two kids of a man who had been murdered by his father like the rest of her family, (It's not Jason Blossom this time people) her name was Polly Cooper. The other was what Jughead would refer to as a Hitchcock blond, Elizabeth Cooper, she was considered the good girl of Riverdale all her life and ran the Blue and Gold before it was shut down after she was killed. (He had broken into the room to read her old articles but were not addressing that right now) She was working the case of the Black Hood and had been shot right after discovering the man in question was right under her nose and the same roof.

It was quite the tragic story and Jughead wished he was alive at the time of the incident so that he could've met the blond, who looked beautiful in the pictures he had seen of the Cooper family.

Cheryl claimed to be related to them, the only reason they were here. That the late boyfriend of Polly Cooper was her uncle or some shit, Jughead wasn't paying attention when she was explaining her overly complicated family bloodline.

The carpet in the living room was peeling and the abundance of blood from the scene left it almost impossible to scrub out. "This is so creepy" Josie stepped past him and squatted down to shine the light on the crimson-stained carpet, truly, Jughead didn't know why she was here but she had expressed her want to join in their Halloween adventure before they left.

"At least we have our serial killer fanboy here to protect us" Reggie yelled sarcastically from wherever he had wandered off too. "He knows this place like the back of his hand, probably has it tattooed on his ass"

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