Thanking Elrond, and Getting Some Rest

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Thranduil, Legolas, and Emarila sat, and ate lunch in silence. Elrond had also joined them, because Thranduil had asked him to. As they were eating, Thranduil noticed that Emarilia looked tired, upset, and she was eating slowly. Thranduil looked at with concern, and asked her "Emarilia, how are you feeling?" Emarilia looked up at her father, and answered "I'm fine ada...I'm just tired." Thranduil stood, walked to her side, and replied "Do you need rest My Love?" Emarilia put down her fork, and nodded slowly. Thranduil gave her a caring smile, and he put his arms out for her to be lifted into. Emarilia stood, winced in pain and almost fell, but Thranduil quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, and supported her. Elrond and Legolas quickly stood, because she almost fell, but Thranduil stopped her fall, which assured the two of them that she was alright. Thranduil began to carefully walk his daughter out of the dining room, but she stopped , and whispered to him "I want to thank Elrond" Thranduil smiled and nodded, Then he slowly walked her to Elrond's side. As the two of them approached Elrond, He stood and kindly smiled at Emarilia. She released from her fathers grip, and hugged Elrond with all the strength she had. Elrond jumped a little from her sudden gesture, but he then gave in, and hugged her back. "Thank you for saving me....I cannot thank you enough Elrond." Emarilia said. Elrond began to smile from ear to ear, and he replied "There is no need to thank me darling, and besides, Your father helped me save you, If it wasn't for him, then you would not have lived..." He began to caress her cheek, then continued "...but you are here now, and you are safe. Your father loves you very much Emarilia." Emarilia couldn't help but smile. She then turned back to her father, and jumped into his arms. Thranduil held her tightly as Elrond watched them grinning. Before they left, Thranduil quietly said "Thank you" to Elrond, and he replied "My pleasure" and nodded. And with that, Thranduil carried his daughter to her room to rest. After they left, Elrond sat next to Legolas, and they both spoke with each other.


As Thranduil entered Emarilia's room, he set her down carefully onto her bed, Then tucked her in. He then grabbed a chair, and sat next to her. Emarilia looked into her fathers eyes, and said "Ada...Can I ask you something?" Thranduil caressed her cheek, and said "Of course my love, what is it?" Emarilia's eyes began to fill with tears, and she said "W..What was mother like? Please Ada..I need to know." Thranduil sighed, and held her hands tightly. "Well, She was beautiful, just like you..and she always put others first. She had long blonde hair, and she had these big, beautiful blue-green eyes, just like yours...She...she loved you so much Emarilia, more than you could ever know.....a..and..s..she-" Thranduil couldn't continue anymore, he was crying. Emarilia scooted closer to him, and she held his face in her hands so their eyes met. She then said "I'm sorry ada, I didn't mean to upset you...I...I just wanted to know." Thranduil wrapped his arms around her, and slid her off of the bed, into his lap. He kissed her forehead, then said "You didn't upset me love, and you never will.......Now, you need some rest, you are very weak." Emarilia nodded, and she was set back into bed. Thranduil kissed her goodbye, then turned to leave. Before he reached the door, Emarilia said "Ada...." Thranduil turned and asked "What is is my love?". "Can you stay with me... I mean if you have the time, I don't want you to miss all of your duties and meetings for the day, and-" Thranduil turned around, and walked back to her. He hugged her before she could finish "Emarilia...You and Legolas always come first, and that will never change. Of course I have time to stay with you." he said. Thranduil crawled into bed next to her, wrapped his arms around her, and they both slept soundfully.

Sorry I took so long to update
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