I'm trapped in a concrete prison.
The only reason I'm still alive is because I survive off of a plastic glass of water < just say cup. > and brown gruel that I get once every two days. < SHOW DON'T TELL. >
My name is Rowan Sinclair. < Annnddd there goes the fourth wall. > My mission is to escape from this dungeon cell, find two humans that think they're normal, but really are lethal powerhouses waiting to explode, tell them everything about their past. < Well, ruin the entire story, why don't you. >
And I'm only seventeen. < Our quirky queen. >
My late mother told me everything about them except for their names and what they look like. She said it was so I knew never to rely on anyone other than myself. Lesson learned. Now it will get me killed. < Confused, but vibing. >
"Never wait and see if they can locate you in any circumstances, but also don't think you won't ever find each other," she had said.
The people that kidnapped me killed my mother. < She really gonna tell the whole story. Oh, wait that was me lol. >
She informed me of everything from her past because she knew this would happen, knew they would find her. She equipped me for it, made sure I knew to complete the mission before anything. Even her life.
Still nothing could have prepared me for this sinking feeling in my gut when they came during that rainy night. My Mom wasn't scared or worrying that her life was in danger. She was furious. She was ranting to herself about how this isn't supposed to happen yet.< I hate present-tense first person with every ounce of my being. > I couldn't make sense of anything she was saying. I knew they were coming but she had always told me that we would go together, so we could find them. The plans had changed. I was told to go alone.
"It's too early they aren't supposed to come yet. They need to leave. Make them leave! She isn't ready!" Mom waited a few seconds before going off again. She was staring at a wall, or more like talking to it. < Oh, I get it she's in an insane asylum. This is all a hallucination. What if life is a hallucination? >
"I know because she is rocking back and forth in a corner!" < Scared little baby. > She flicked her hand in my direction. "Of course she is in shock! My daughter is being hunted!"
This perked my attention.
"Mom, you told me they wanted you dead not me." < Wow, she really said 'I don't care about you, mom.' This whole section just screams *sacrifice*. >
"They do want me dead." She finally turned her head and talked to me.
"Then why did you say they were hunting me. I remember when you told me they wanted you dead but you told me they weren't going to kill me."
"Hunting doesn't mean wanting to kill."
"I don't understand." < Me either. >
"Get up. It's too late there's nothing I can do to help you. You're on your own." < Okay, never mind, her mom ain't gonna care about Rowan then I don't care about you dying chickaroni. > I didn't know what she was talking about but I knew she was right about me being on my own. "I won't tell her!" She screamed at the wall. "I will not!"
"Who are you talking to?" < Larry. >
"An idiot." She turned her attention to me again. "You need to leave. You aren't trained to take on these people. We didn't get enough time." I think she was talking about more than just training when she said the last part.
HumorA series of stories written when I was in eighth grade, followed by comedic comments by myself four years later (as an advanced writer).