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"I spy with my little eye something black."

"That's basically everything here, moron."

You have been falling in this pit for the last few minutes, and it did seem to be endless. By now you weren't worried of how hard your landing would be, moreso you were all worried if you ever will land.

"Don't worry," Felix reassured, "we're still not finished with all the strikes."

Weird thing is although. . . you could still see your friends very clearly. Everything else around you was surrounded in darkness, and yet here you were seeing the stupid faces of your housemates.

"Didn't even bother hiding the worst parts," you sigh, earning a smack from Mugman who was falling beside you. "Ow," you pouted, (and the next thing you knew Mugman had given you the nickname of Crappykawa and him Iwa-chan) before you saw Felix master the movement of the whole thing and start swimming around, seemingly looking for something.

"What is it, Feel?" You asked, awkwardly swimming towards him. He turned, moving his body out of your view so you could see what he was trying to show you as he pointed to it. It looked to be just a speck of gold, (so small you could've mistaken it for a speck of pixie dust) as you raise a brow. "What is it?"

You tried to touch it, only to find it not in your hands. "It's actually bigger than it looks," Felix chuckled, "it's just so far away."

The darkness was really fucking with your depth perception.

Another thing with this whole part was that physics didn't seem to exist. You were falling, sure, but the most it did was ruffle or send your hair up. Felix's and Cuphead's caps were still on their heads, Fiona's cape didn't seem to be flying up and so on.

"Well do we start. . . er, swimming towards it?" You asked, the cat just shrugging as he leaned back. "I've been noticing how it's been growing bigger and bigger for the last few minutes. So it's probably headed this way. I'd suggest we take this time to rest before we inevitably have to start on the next challenge."

You nod, once again awkwardly swimming back to the rest. You pause, seeing Boris snoring as he laid on his side fast asleep. "How is he doing that. . ." You mumbled, Cuphead shrugging in response. "No damn idea."

• • •


Fiona's voice seemed to echo through the darkness, startling you awake as you fumbled to regain your balance. "Shut your trap, people are trying to sleep!" Chip's groggy voice responded, and you turned to look at the source.

But you were surprised to find. . . complete darkness.

"Guys?" You called out, and heard some grunts and half-assed responses. "Where are you?" You asked again, trying to feel your way around.

"OW!" Bendy's voice resonated, you immediately pulling your hand back in a flinch before slowly patting. You eventually felt the top of his head, moving to grab him by the arm. "My eye!"

"Sorry," you apologized, before holding on tight as to not lose him. "Come to think of it, I can only see myself." You heard Felix from behind you, who's hand slowly found it's way to your shoulder. You held onto it, making sure to hold both of them before calling out for the others.

"Is it just me or is that gold thing getting bigger?" It was Chip, and knowing what he was referring to, immediately whipped your head around to find it. "Where?!"

"Here, it's like. . . in front of me."

"Thanks Collins but that literally didn't help me in any way."

"Please don't call me that."

You sigh, holding Bendy's shoulders as Felix held onto yours. "Everyone aboard the fucking train," You called out sarcastically, still trying to move the best as you can as Felix helped in maneuvering and actually getting to move. "Gotcha," you heard Cuphead, who you felt grab your arm before making his way to Felix.

Eventually you were all holding onto each other's shoulders, trying to move around the pit you were still falling in.

All except Fiona.


"Why not?!" Bendy was holding onto your arm, your other one flinging around to find the ravenette. "I'll be fine on my own, thanks."




Eventually Bendy had accidentally let go, leaving you to jump and flail around to try and find her.

As it went on you had finally figured out where she was. Digging your foot onto the ground, you lunged at her, feeling your arms wrap around her neck (which you couldn't see) as you both fell. You rolled before you eventually came out on top and held her in a headlock.


You eventually sigh, letting it go but still holding onto her arm. You groaned, standing up as you pulled her to her feet. The ground was a little bit uneven, and it made you wonder where you were.

. . .

Wait ground?!

"Damn now this feels weird," Fiona commented, tapping the floor with her foot.

. . .

Your eyes widened, snapping up to see her (punchable) face. She grimaced, upon turning to see you. "You look as ugly as ever."


Eventually the rest had landed as well, and, although you were expecting some normal greetings from them like normal people, you were definitely not surprised to find them with urgent looks on their faces. "RU-"

"No need to tell me twice," You cut him off, grabbing them with you as you ran. The floor was definitely uneven, and it was hard to step. It was black, but not black enough to be mistaken for the darkness that surrounded everything around you.

"But why?!" Fiona screeched in anger, running beside you.

"NO IDEA- THEY JUST STARTED RUNNING SO I DID TOO!" Chip responded, trying to catch his breath as all eight of you sped through the darkness. "Where are we even going?!" You agreed with Mugman, but was disappointed to be met with no responses.

"DOOR!" Cuphead yelled, pointing to the out of place piece of wood (You couldn't tell for sure, but it was white). As you got closer, the sounds of stomping behind you got louder and louder. You couldn't help but let out a screech, stopping as Felix in front of you held out his arms. "CLIFF!!"

Everything around you was black, but this looked worse. It looked deeper, more ominous. . . it was enough to make you almost piss your pants.


"JUST JUMP!" Boris yelled, grabbing onto the nearest person and leaping.

That nearest person was you.

Soon after the others joined, letting out yells louder than an anime character getting a power up as you all headed for the door.

And by the help of whatever deity lives up there, you managed to pass through.

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