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❝We all have magic inside us.❞ 


Gen was glad she was wearing black high waist shorts and not the tight mini-skirt made of leather which Henley wanted her to wear. God knows how she would have ran wearing them. 

Shoe thundering on the concrete floor was the only thing to be heard as the five magicians raced down the fire escaped throwing glances over their shoulder to see if anyone was following them. Once they made if outside they all had a job to do in order to escape the clutches of FBI. 

Glancing behind her, Gen saw Agent Dray running after them. They jumped over the wall and landed on her feet on the other side. 

"Split up!" Danny instructed. "Meet at the place we talked about."

All five of them split and ran into different direction. Gen ran through the sea of people, pushing anyone who came in her way and continued to run without saying sorry. The plan was to meet behind the Napoleon House. She just needed to make sure she reach there without anyone following them. 

Gen weaved through the people towards the festivities of Mardi Gras. She could hear the FBI agents shouting orders from everywhere, she passed through loud and drunken tourists and residence. 

Gen could only hope that Jack could get Dylan out of their tracks for the time beings. Suddenly one of her heels got stuck into a metal drain grate, making Gen lose her balance but she caught herself in time. 

"Dammit!" She cursed out loud before looking down. She tried to pull her heel out, but with no success. At the third attempt, the heel got out and she sighed in relief. But before she could run, she was pulled into the nearby alley by someone and a hand covered her mouth. 

"It's me." The person spoke her ear as he removed his hand from her mouth, making her sigh in relief. It was Danny. 

"Why-" She started to speak but she shushed her and pointed toward a FBI agent standing nearby. Her eyes widened when she realized she was almost caught if it weren't for Danny pulling her in the alley in time.

The agent looked around to check for the horsemen, but alley was hidden from his view as it was very small, barely enough for both Daniel and Gen to fit. She kept her eyes on the cop, refusing to meet Danny's eyes because of the fact she was pressed into him. His hand was on her waist and she could feel his breath on her ear. 

Finally the agent left, making both Gen and Danny let out a relief breath. Getting out of the dark alley, they ran through the people wearing masks and costumes. Reaching another alley, Gen slowed down a little, trying to catch her breath.

"Come on." said Danny as he took her hand and pulled her into the alley. 

Gen glance back to see agent Alma closing in on them. Both Daniel and Gen picked up their speed and ran to the nearby wall. Gen jumped on the crate before pulling herself on the wall, as Daniel did the same. 

"Stop!" Agent Dray demanded, pointing a gun toward them, her finger hovering over the trigger. 

Gen and Danny exchanged their looks, before raising their hands slightly. 

But it was clear in the woman's eye that she wasn't going to pull the trigger. Gen grinned at her, giving a wink before she jumped off the wall with Daniel. 

They both took off running, hearing the shouts of Agent Rhodes behind them. Daniel and Gen continued running and saw the Napoleon House standing in front of them. They quickly darted in, but made it out just as fast as they entered before going behind the house. 

Daniel and Gen slowed their pace as a FBI car pulled up in front of them. The gate opened to reveal the other three horsemen. 

Without wasting another second they hoped in the car and closed the doors behind them. The engine started and Henley raced the car to get out of here. 

Now the finale act would be taking place with New York.


Danny took one at the blackberry in his hand before throwing it down. The phone bounced once, and he crushed it under the sole of his shoe. They knew the FBI must have found it by now, and would be tracking the real phone. 

Gen was helping Jack toss away the documents they got from their mysterious benefactor into the fire, making sure the FBI didn't find that part out and to ensure the secret of the eye. 

The tension in the room was tense. Everyone was worried about getting caught by the FBI. Gen glanced at Danny who was pacing around the room, making her more nervous than she already was. The Horsemen were only a couple of hours ahead and it was only a matter of time before they come to New York. 

It was Jack's job to stay behind and show what he got, which included faking his own death. And that was something Gen was worried about. Her time with these four people had made her attached to them. They were her family and she was scared for them. 

Gen wasn't the only one freaking out, all the other horsemen were in their own way.

"The firewall is down." Henley announced, as she typed something on the old keyboard her attention fixed on the computer. "Do they know about this?"

 "They who?" Daniel asked.

"They, them, whoever we're working for."

"Who are we working for?" Merritt asked. "And are we prepared to go to jail for them?"

"We don't even know if The Eye is real or not," Gen added, her own insecurities about the plan showing. "What if all this was some kind of slick joke?"

"Okay, stop being paranoid." Danny snapped. 

Jack removed another stack of papers, finding his Death tarot card laying on the surface of the dusty table. Fear and apprehension flooded into his mind.

"It really does happen." Merritt interjected. 

"Yeah, it happened to you." said Daniel handing Jack some more documents. "Doesn't mean it's gonna happen to us."

"Guys, I don't know if I can do this." Jack intervened. "I don't wanna go to jail, you know."

"The don't screw it up." Daniel snapped. "You're always talking about wanting to be treated like an adult. Now might be a good time to start acting like one. Stick to the plan, stay here and burn it all." He passed more documents in his hand. 

"I don't know what I'm doing here." Merritt said sighing. 

"I don't know what you would do anywhere else." Daniel said glaring at him. 

"I'm here for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That's it. Then I'm gone." Merritt stated. 

"You can do whatever you want when this is over, Merritt," Gen argued as she glared at Merritt. "but until then you stick to the plan."

"Hey guys," Danny called out form the window. "Uh - they're here."

All the horsemen glanced at each other.

"Let's do this." said Merritt. 

"Let's go." Henley said moving toward the door. 

Gen turned toward Jack and nodded at him, before following the rest of the horsemen outside. They all rushed down the stairs to the trash shoot.

"Ladies first." Merritt said.

Gen threw her bag inside the shoot, and climbed in after it. The blonde moved away just in time, before Henley came shooting out, the others close after her. The four magicians walked until they got to a flight of stairs that led them to the boiling room. Soon enough they were outside in the sun, at the other side of building and no FBI agents to be seen.

Danny hailed a cab and the other got into it with Danny telling the driver where to go. So far everything went according to the plan.

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