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❝ I am sure there is Magic in everything, only we have not sense 
enough to get hold of it and make it do things for us.❞ 


Ending are never the end of the story, they are beginning of the new ones, beginning of a new adventure. There is no real ending.

Gen, Danny, Henley and Merritt reached the Central park fairly quickly. Holding the torch in her hand, she walked closed to the gate and found it locked.

"It's locked." said Gen tugging at the chain. 

"Weren't you listening, nothing ever locked." Jack's voice come from inside the park, as he approached them. 


"Well done Mr. Wilder." said Henley clapping for him, a proud smile on her face as Jack opened the lock. 

"You did really great." Gen complimented him, patting him on the back. 

Jack smiled at his friends, a chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head slightly.

"You're a big boy now." Daniel jested from beside Gen.

Jack unlocked the gate and pulled the chain away so that they could walk in. The four walked into Central Park with their flashlights on. 

"Am I missing something here?" Jack said looking at Gen and Danny's intertwined hands. 

"Yeah," said Merritt grinning. "You owe me 20 dollars now."

"Oh my god, you two kissed." Jack said grinning widely at them, before taking out money handing it Merritt. 

Gen flushed pink, while Daniel pretended to not listen as he looked around the park. 

"Now you know to never bet against a Mentalist." Merritt said as he looked ta Henley and Jack.

Henley rolled her eyes, and started to look around. Holding a flashlight in their hands, they started to looking around the park.

"What if all this was just leading up to us getting mugged in Central Park at two in the morning?" said Merritt as his eyes wandered around the park.

"No, I'm telling you, we're right where we need to be. We just need to find--" Daniel said looking around.

"This?" Henley interrupted him, her flashlight shining on card encased inside a glass inside a tree. 

"The Lionel Shrike tree." said Danny. 

"And the card encased inside a glass." Gen added. 

"What do we do now?" 

Gen hesitated before taking out her Tarot Card from her back pocket and held out in her hand. The other horsemen followed her action.

One by the one the cards attached themselves to Gen's card like a magnet. Gen glanced at her friends in surprise before waving the now see-through card in front of the card encased inside the glass. 

The card began to shine and everyone gasped suddenly, music from carousel began to play in the distance and light flickered on. 

The Five Horsemen walked toward the carousel, wondering what was happening. They all slowed walked towards, not sure what to expect.

As the person standing on the stairs came in view, Gen gasped along with everyone. The person was none other than Agent Dylan Rhodes. 

Never in her wildest dreams she would have expected him to behind all this. It seemed not possible. But still here he was, standing in front of them, smiling. No one knew what to say, hell they didn't even know what to think about everything unfolding right in front of them.

"Oh my God. I didn't see that coming. That's impossible." Merritt said shaking his head, trying to wrap the fact around his head, that Dylan was their secret benefactor. 

"No way." Jack breathed out. 

"That was actually, uh, pretty good." said Daniel.

"Thank you."

"When I said, 'always be the smartest guy in the room'. . ." Danny trailed off not sure what to say. 

"We were on an agreement." said Dylan, smiling. 

"Okay right." 

"Henley," Dylan nodded at her before looking at Gen. "Gen, I'm so sorry about what I said in the inquiry room. I didn't mean it even one bit."

"I - uh. . ." Gen opened her mouth several times before closing, trying to speak but nothing came out her mouth, as she stared at Dylan in shock and surprise. 

"I have never seen them so speechless." Daniel commented.

"I take it as a huge compliment." He said as she shook hands with her and Henley. 

"Hey, man. I'm so sorry for kicking your ass. Really." Jack said awkwardly, making Dylan chuckle.

"Hey, listen for the record. I have always been a 100% believer. And the amount of energy I have expended to keep this infidels on point. . ." Merritt tried to explain, as Henley laughed and smacked his arm.

"Merritt, you're in."

"God bless."

"Come. The real magic is taking five strong solo acts and making them all work together. And that is exactly what you did." Dylan moved across the barrier. "So welcome, welcome to the Eye." Dylan grabbed on a bar, lifting himself up onto the moving horses.

Jack was the first one to jump over the barrier, and he was followed by Merritt, Henley, Gen and Daniel. 

Dylan moved away from them, disappearing out of the sight. The five horsemen exchanged wonderous look. Jack jumped on the moving carousel followed by Henley and Merritt. Gen took Danny's hand in her, before they both too jumped onto the carousel.

The Horsemen held on tight, disappearing to the other side where Dylan was.

Ending are never the end of the story, they are beginning of the new ones, beginning of a new adventure. There is no real ending.

Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin. And there are many things that don't really end, anyway, they just begin again in a new way. Ends are not bad and many ends aren't really an ending; some things are never-ending.

This is not the ending of the Five Horsemen, this is the beginning of their new adventure. The first book of their adventure is already closed, and a new book is being written. 

Because an end is only a beginning in disguise.

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