Kids of hell

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Y/n's POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, I tossed and Turned refusing to get up and go to training. I hated the thought of me still training to get my hero's license while everyone else gets to sleep in and enjoy themselves. I got up and got dressed into my hero costume. While Todoroki did the same. We both walked out the door and headed to the Arena where our hero tasks will be held.

We get there and line up shoulder to shoulder, I was getting nervous by the second until a teacher comes out, and Gang Orca tells us what we have to do. An entire mod of kids come running out and instantly flooding the arena. This was going to be hell, I hated kids with a burning passion. I tried my best not to freeze each and every one of them. A few kids tackled me to the ground and started kicking me while the other kids bothered the others.

I couldn't believe that I was being beaten up by KIDS. They tried to take accessories off my costume while teasing me. I almost lost it at that point. I heard Bakugo screaming at the kids, Todoroki focusing on the kid calling one of his gadgets a wiener, and So on with the others. I got up and ran to Todoroki until all the kids went on one side of the Arena and us on the other side.

We tried to formulate the plan while Bakugo was giving us stupid ideas.
"We should find the leader, tie them up, and beat them to a bloody pulp!" Bakugo said with explosions coming out of his hands. We all have our ideas until the kids started attacking us. Callie distracted them using her illusion quirk and made one of the girls fall more in love with "Todoroki" while it was just Callie. Bakugo and I couldn't stop laughing at the face the little girl made when she found out it was an illusion. While Todoroki was still thinking of a plan.

Todoroki explained his idea while we're being attacked by the little kids. We got to work as the kids watched in awe. I made the slide and Todoroki helped stabilize it, Bakugo helped make an Aurora borealis, I'm not too sure what Callie and the other dude did but I'm sure they're a big help to this plan. I made stairs to the start of the slide which took a big amount of my stamina. We found the leader an convinced him to let himself go and try not to be the leader of the pack. Bakugo threw him onto the slide and away he went.

I was barley awake and really tired after helping build the slide. My vision kept getting blurry, and my eyelids got heavy. I showed a faint smile and tried my best to stand still.

"Are you alright y/n?" Callie asked

"Yeah, it's just that my quirk took a lot of stamina so... so-" Before I could finish my sentence I fell asleep and fell to the floor.

Callie's POV
I asked Y/n what was going on with him, he kept stumbling back and forth and tried to put a smile on his face.

"It's just that my quirk took a lot.. of my stamina so.. so-" he said while falling to the floor. We all rushed to his aid while Todoroki explained that basically when he runs out of stamina he falls asleep on the spot. Must be a big disadvantage when fighting villains. He can only do so much before passing out.

We finished for the day and went back to where we lived. Todoroki helped Y/n back to the dorms, and Bakugo followed them. Chester (I can't remember his name) and I went our ways to our own dorms.

Todoroki's POV
I hauled y/n over my shoulder and began my trip back to the dorms with Bakugo.

"Great Job Half & Half, must admit to at was a good plan." Bakugo said with an angry tone.

"Why are you so calm? You're always about death. But anyways thanks for the compliment." I replied.


We talked about how annoying those kids were and shortly after we arrived to the dorms. We both parted and I entered y/n and I's dorm room. I laid him down on his bed and went to mine, I sat down on my bed and turned on the T.V and watched some T.V shows.

It was soon getting late and I had to cook for y/n and I but he was still sleeping. I put his food in our microwave, finished eating my food, and went to bed.

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