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August, 1989

Tonight I got off work at around 2am, and I was on my way back home. I had taken the bus since Eric had my car again to drive himself to work, so it was taking me longer to get home. I finally got off at my stop at about 2:45am and I started making the short walk back to the house. I turned onto my street and immediately noticed a random car parked outside the house that I didn't recognize. I didn't think too much about it though, considering random cars are usually parked on my street. I'm pretty sure the guys who live beside us sell drugs, so I wouldn't doubt it if the car had to do with them.

I kept walking until I reached my house and I saw some blonde girl sitting on my steps. I scrunched my eyebrows together and made my way up my drive way.

"Can I help you?" I asked confused.

The girl immediately stood up. "Hi... uhm, does Eric live here?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Who's askin'?"

"I'm Tammy. I, uh, I really need to speak to Eric."

"'Okay? 'Bout what? I'm his girlfriend Tiyana."

"Oh my god of course he has a fuckin' girlfriend!" She yelled.

I sighed. "What can I help you with?" I asked defeated. I already didn't wanna deal with this situation.

"I'm so sorry, I swear I had no idea he had a girlfriend." She said genuinely.

I shook my head. "It's not your fault. Were you just lookin' for him?"

"Yeah, I uh- fuck, I feel so bad. I'm so sorry." Her voice was nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"I- uh..." She cleared her throat and looked down at the porch. "I'm pregnant." She said quietly.

"Sorry?" I asked with wide eyes. I honestly wasn't sure if I heard her correctly.

"I'm pregnant." She said looking at me this time with apologetic eyes.

"From Eric?!" I yelled. She nodded and I saw tears start to form in her eyes. "No, no, no, no, no." I said quietly as I started to back away from her. "I'm sorry, I- I can't be here." I said still slowly backing away. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I quickly turned and started speed walking down my driveway. I felt a lump start to grow in my throat and my eyes burned. My speed walking turned into running and I had no idea where I was going, but I just knew I couldn't stay there.

My mind was so clouded and I was trying to think of where to go, but I couldn't think straight. Marshall and Denaun had ended up moving out last month just down the street from me, so since they were the closest, that's where my legs took me to.

I ran up to their door and started banging as hard and loud as I could on it. I know it's late, and I'm sure they were both sleeping, but I didn't care. I kept pounding and pounding until I saw a light flip on and Marshall yelled, "YEAH I'M FUCKIN' COMIN'!" My hand kept involuntarily banging as he unlocked the door. "JESUS FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS GOIN' ON?!" He yelled as he swung the door open. "Oh fuck, Ti I'm sorry." He said, presumably apologizing for yelling at me.

"Can I come in?" I asked looking at him with my wet eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, 'course." He said moving out of the way, allowing me to step in. I quickly walked towards him and crashed my body against his. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist and cried against his chest. "Ti, what's wrong? What's goin' on?" His voice sounded panicked as he returned my hug.

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