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i left youtube space, with the biggest smile on my face only to be seen by talia waiting for me.

"soo how was it?" talia asked

"oh it was good, i mean i definitely learned a lot about the boys" i said laughing to myself about what happened

"yeah simon told me some of the things that would be in it, see tobi drinking his mums spit makes me physically ill" talia said while pretending to be sick

"by the fucking way i thought i was about to be sick" i said joining her

"what else was there because simon didn't tell me all of them" talia asked

"there was whos only slept with one person, who's had their private parts leaked to the to public and who's slept with their cousin" i listed


"no one, no one slept with their cousin don't worry" i laughed, watching her calm down

"jeesus christ you had me on edge there, but who's only slept with one person" talia asked, eyes furrowed

"it was harry, i was so shocked when i found that out" i said

"really? well i suppose it makes sense but i wouldn't have thought katie was the only one" she agreed

"yeah i know, it's the first time he's 'announced' that him and katie are no longer together as well" i frowned

"after about 9 months, i mean i think everyone knew from the speculations" talia said

"yeah, i kind of felt bad for him but the mood lifted once i seen his balls"

"you seen the photo?!" talia screamed once again

"yeah kon showed me it" i felt my face redden

"mate that's mad" she stopped in her tracks

"yeah when he walked me out he ensured me that it wasn't a serious photo" i said continuing to walk

"oh god sake, that boys something else" talia said as she caught up

we finally got to this little brunch place and we saw freya and gee through the window.

"hi guys" freya said as she got to the table


"so how was the shoot?" gee asked, looking up from her phone

"it was great, it's good to see the boys again" i said

"you mean it's great to see harry again" freya said smirking

i scrunched my eyebrows together, confused to what she meant


"i saw you two that night we were out, there was a little spark i saw" freya said raising her brows

"awhh that's so cute" gee said while holding the cheeks of her face

"you and harry would be such an attractive couple" talia added

"you're chatting so much shit" i shook my head, talia looked at me in disbelief

"me and harry are just good friends, we've always been like this

"what if you two did end up like, liking each other" talia asked, genuinely curious of the answer.

"i doubt we would, i mean you see how hung up he is on katie and i don't think i'm ready after what happened with jamie" i answered

"could you tell us what actually happened with jamie" freya asked, a slightly concerned tone overtaking her voice

i took a deep breath in, i think it was finally time to tell them the story

"so when we started dating, he would do little things that i didn't really notice. like he'd comment on what i wore, my body and how i'd act in like a bad way but i just looked past it because i really liked him. but once things got more serious he started properly controlling me, like he stopped me from seeing you guys, my family, and he would tell me what to wear, how to do my makeup and if i objected he would....he would hit me. times when i wasn't in the mood and he was he would make me, and this one day he just go so angry and i packed my stuff and left. i was scared for months to leave my flat incase he would be waiting for me, and i felt that all you guys would think i was a bitch since i wasn't around when i was with him. so i couldn't tell any of yous, which i wish i did by the way" i let out in one breath, a tear slipped from my eye but i wiped it away before it was that noticeable

"emilia, i'm so sorry you had to go through that" she said rubbing my forearm

"we all love you em" gee said

"you didn't deserve any of that" talia assured me, hugging my side

"thank you guys, it's the first time i've properly opened up and spoke about it" i said, feeling like something was lifted from my shoulders now i've explained the whole story to someone

"well i'm glad you've finally opened up about it, at least we know the situation now and we will help you with anything you need" talia said, i smiled at them all from the love i was receiving

"but you realise if you and harry were to get together he would never be like that" freya defended

"yeah i know harry is nothing like that, but i'd still have the thought in my head." i muttered

"yeah like the thought of 'you never know' is horrible, just take your time" gee explained

"does harry know?" freya asked

i shook my head no

"that's okay, i was just wondering" she said

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