Chapter Three- Selena Patterson

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That was the number of times the professor whose name Kiara had learned later, upon seeing her time table card to be Mr. Peter Stanwood, had called Aiden out on random acts of disturbance.

Although, as Kiara had seen since she was sitting on the desk beside Aiden's he did not deserve those accusations. He may not be the most ideal student but he was not exactly going out of his way to disturb the class. And it seemed no matter who or what the reason for disturbance was, Mr. Stanwood always seemed to turn to Aiden.

This of course was exploited by the remaining class who had figured out that even if they were the ones who caused any problems, it would be Aiden who would be punished. Although the girls in the class seemed to be completely in favour of Aiden.... always coming to his defence.

Huh! Kiara thought sarcastically what could the reason possibly be! Rolling her eyes, she had just finished noting down the homework when the bell rang.

Two more of such rings and then she could finally enjoy her mother's delicious pasta. That had been Kiara's thing to look forward to in case things don't work out the way she wanted them too. It's like her definite good in a day of possible horrors. It was actually a very helpful trick her father had taught her.... no Kiara thought she was not going to think about him.

Breathing out a sign, Kiara packed up her things and walked out of the class sending one last glance towards Aiden who was leisurely getting up from his desk slinging his bag over his shoulder swamped with a group of girls who were apparently showing him their support against Mr. Stanwood's injustice.

Rolling her eyes, Kiara walked out of class. She was sure someone like Aiden Cooper must enjoy other people's attention especially when it came from girls.

Looking down at her timetable she realised her next class was on the second floor. Walking quickly and trying to dodge the other students she made her way to the second floor and managed to find room number two zero four, luckily without any drama this time. Of course though, when it came to her it wasn't like drama was going to be far behind.

Standing in front of the class she tried to scan the room for an empty desk as the class was filling up quickly and came across a few towards the very back. It wouldn't have been Kiara's first option but it seemed like the only one's available now.

Deciding on her seat she made her way towards the desk. It wasn't until the last second that she noticed the guy who had suddenly stood up from his desk and in her fluster to avoid colliding into him she lost her balance and fell towards her left only to manage to grab onto a desk at the last minute and catch hold of herself before falling down. This was the second time she had managed to avoid falling face first into the ground and come out unscratched. She really needed to stop cashing out on her already fast depleting luck.

Of course, while Kiara had managed to find her footing and was now straitening up she realised that while she had managed to avoid getting hurt, in the process, she had ended up accidently knocking her hand against the shoulder of the person sitting on the desk she had taken support from which in turn had caused the lipstick that she had been applying to her face to smear across her cheek.

There was a glaring dark red mark right across her right cheek and it looked particularly.... well clowny with her excessively make up covered face.

Looking at that person beneath all that make up and what Kiara was sure was a nose job she realised that the girl was Michelle Wetherbee.

From what Kiara did remember about Michelle was that she was a.... how to say this nicely? .... hmm.... a person more interested in her looks then the fact that her brain was empty. She was all about status, standing and being the most popular girl at school...whatever be the cost.

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