Draco Lucius Malfoy
Hermione Jean Malfoy nèe Zabini Granger
Lyra Nacrissa Malfoy
The Zabinis:
Astoria Zabini nèe Greengrass
Blaise ZabiniThe Potters:
Harry James Potter
Ginny Molly Potter nèe Weasley
James Sirius PotterThe Weasleys:
Ronald Billius Weasley
Pansy Weasley nèe Parkinson
Rose Ginerva WeasleyThe Grangers:
Jean Granger nèe johnson
Dan GrangerLucinda Granger nèe Jones
Eric Granger
Diamond Granger
Princess Granger
Lucy GrangerGrandma Granger
Grandpa Granger
Dramione: Granger reunion
Fantasía5 years after the war and Hermione Malfoy nèe Zabini. (Yes she was adopted) has been invited to the Granger family reunion as she has ran out of excuses. How will she cope with her bratty cousins and awful aunt and uncle? And what will happen when D...