Hayes Imagine for Angele

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This is dedicated to: @Angele_grier07

Hayes and you had been best friends for as long as you remember and he invited you to his football game he was going to have today. You arrived at the football field where he would play. You were almost immediately surrounded by fans of his and you grabbed your phone, about to call him when you heard your name called out, "Angele! Over here!" He waved his hands frantically.

"Hey," you greeted him.

"Me and the guys are going to play football now? Stay right here." He pointed at the floor.

You nodded knowing his team would win.

Before you knew it his team was in the lead 24-18 and only a few seconds left. Hayes had the ball and was running through the field making the final touchdown. The fans went hysterical and you cheered on.

"Angele catch!" You heard Hayes tell you and you held your arms out to catch the ball.

You take grasp of the football and realize there's writing on it. Will you be mine? was written across it in a black sharpie. You confused looked up at Hayes. He had that goofy smile you admired plastered on his face. "So like will you be my girlfriend Angele?" He asked nervously, scratching his neck. The crowd awed and all eyes were upon you.

You wrapped you're hands around his neck and slowly met his lips.

He once again gave you that adorable smile. "So is that like a yes?"

"Of course you goofball," you whispered at pecked his lips once again.

A/N: sorry this was kinda short. I hope you like it.

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