Nash preference

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A/N: Since I haven't uploaded in a while I decided to make a quick preference. loves you babes.

Your PVO

I laid on the couch with my current cuddle buddy my cousin. Raining outside. Nash wasn't in la till later that night so me and my 3 other cousins were playing Xbox and me being the not very video game type didn't know how to play.

"Teach me! Please!" I asked

"Okay," my cousin agreed, putting his arms around your waist to help with the controls. You squealed uncontrollably due to your extreme ticklish ness.

Your phone ran," Need to get that Y/N?" Your cousin asked.

"It's probably Nash on his was home." It rang again and again. "Ugh!" You ran to get your phone, "Hello?" You asked annoyed.

"I'm outside." You heard Nash say.

You grabbed a rain coat and headed out, you told your cousins you'd be out, you stopped midway. Nash was there in the pouring rain with a dozen roses, "Nash? How long?"

"15 min. I waited 15 mins before you came." He sounded upset.

"Babe why didn't you knock?"

"You seemed busy with my replacement."

I chuckled a bit,"My cousin? He's my temp on cuddle buddy."

"Oh. I thought-"

"I'd never replace you Nashley," I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Your always mine. Forever and always." I kissed his wet lips.

"I love you Y/N I missed you and your cuddles."

I smiled, pulling him in for another kiss. He deepened the kiss wrapping his arms around my waist.

You had gotten your kiss under the rain.

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