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Renee's POV

Green hills are the only thing I see rolling past as we drive by. We're on the way to our new home because my father's job decided they needed him to move from Nashville all the way to Louisiana.I sit in the noisy 15 passenger van with the rest of my family. I know we're big but thats normal for us. I have 13 brothers and sisters and I was so tired of the bickering. We had been traveling for about 12 hours because all the stops we made along the way . My older brothers were acting like the children they were spitting spit balls at everyone in the van. I never understood why they were coming they were 22,21, and 20 coming to live with us but ma(mom) and da(dad) didnt have a problem with that. "Mike how long do we have before we get to the house?" My mom ask my dad in an irritated voice. "In about 30 mins" he looked over to my mom and she slaps the back of his head. "You said that 30 mins ago you fool." Ignoring my big brothers spitting their spit balls, I laugh at my parents. My mom look back at me and smiles. I guess its because I haven't really laughed since my dad told us we were moving here. It was the end of summer vacation and I would have to start my junior year somewhere new. Well at least it wasnt in the middle of my school year. "We're here!" my lil sister Aaliyah yells. She is 3 and for her age, she's very smart. We all get out and the younger ones run inside the house. This being the first time I've have seen the house I stop to study it. Its two stories only but was very wide. It was like a giant cottage but it looked between old and modern all at once .Were weren't rich or anything but my dad was top engineer for his company or something and mom wrote novels , so we lived ok. Walking inside I saw the stairs going up to some rooms. Looking over i see everyone in a room seated except me a my older sisters and brothers who where behind me. We sat down and my ma tells the twins where there room was while dad showed the babies there rooms.Us older six were told where our rooms were but me and Amber were told to stay back. " Now Amber we know this is your last year of high school and you only have a week before it starts but please watch out for Renee. You know how she can be sometimes." Shifting in my seat I look at Amber who looks like she would rather die than help me during school hours. I was never good at being popular in school not like my siblings.I was bullied and treat with such cruelity that you would believe I was from a different planet.I knew I was different. I wasnt gorgeous like my sisters .I was the child that looked at my beautiful siblings feeling as if I didn't belong. Looking at Amber look to her flawless nails, she sits up to look towards my parents after about 5 mins of thinking she decides."Yes ma'am, yes sir" she said in a bored tone ,saying that they sent her to her room. Ma and Da look towards me "Renee" they say in unison. "We know that you don't want to be here but we need you to cheer up and stop pouting like a 1 year old." Ma said, shakin my head yes ma'am i ask to leave room because I'm tired .She looks to my dad and a frown comes to her face.Dad just shakes his head yes and off I go in search for my room. Walking upstairs I look into each room, seeing the twins settling in. I walk to the room on the end of the hall.I walk in and fall in love. I see my walls are painted voilet and my bedroom set is black and a deep purple color with tiger like patterns.i walk to the tremendous bed and jump on it.It was perfect not to hard and not to soft. The last thing on my mind is if life will be just as bad here than it was last year. I drift off to sleep.


(Author's note) itll get better im sorry its long but i juat wanted to try at least to see if it was ok...i have a great lay out in my head but i need...ok basically this is my first book n i wanna see if im ok...cuz i have many great ideas or stories to write plz read plz

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