Chapter Four : Numbers

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When he stepped in, everyone moved to the side immediately giving him the path to saunter inside. Louis' eyes were stuck to Liam who was seated upright and Zayn quietly beside him, His hair was pulled back by what seemed a makeshift bandana, and without the obstruction of his hair, his eyes couldn't hide his vehemence

"Leave us, please," Louis requested, the healers bowed and exited immediately.

Zayn stayed put, as Louis expected of him. He had the resilience of a bull but honestly who was Louis to judge especially since he was the said bull. His eyes moved to Liam who was waiting for a greeting or a question, whatever came first. He pulled himself to sit appropriately for the sake of propriety.

"How have you been?" Louis risked, placing himself near Liam's thigh.

Liam suspired and nodded his head in acquiesce, "I am recovering, I heard the number of mindless stupid things you did after I lapsed into intermittent death."

"Jesus, Payno," Louis muttered dramatically, "Is Harry giving you a dictionary instead of medicines?"

Liam raised a single brow giving him a dubious look, "Jesus, Louis, did nobody teach you not to be that dramatic?"

"When was I dramatic?"

"Beheading people and putting them on stakes?" Liam offered.

Louis waved his hand and leant down on his shoulder, "They hurt all of you, I can not allow that to go unpunished."

"That seems fair, honestly," Liam parted and continued talking, "but that affirmatively does not explain why the two of you are skillfully avoiding one another."

"He has not told you already?" Louis questioned, looking at the fellow Omega who sourly turned away.

Liam rubbed his forehead in exhaustion and shifted glances between them, "Zayn would not be here because Vindicta is clearly more important than any of us which means you did not send a letter and someone else did and-"

"-I did not hear about the occupation change, Liam," Louis asked him, his eyes widened, the sarcasm so evident, "When did you become a detective?"

"And judging by your sarcasm, I am right," Liam informed him, his lips pursed. His eyes drifted to Zayn. "You know he is this way, why are you upset?"

"I am still in the room, you can bitch after I get out," Louis muttered indignantly.

"He is a git," Zayn responded, the distaste and lack of pleasure discernible, "he said he would rather bear with the guilt he did not call for me than risk losing Vindicta?!"

Then he pivoted himself towards the Queen, the hurt in his heart taking the most awful form it could to inflict pain upon the mirror he was looking at, "Louis, honestly, everyone knows your brand of cruelty, why would anybody be dumb enough to think nevermind plan an attack on Alareign in your absence?!"

"I have many enemies," he retorted plainly.

"Of that, I have absolutely no doubt," Zayn glowered, his eyes piercing daggers through the man.

"And I honestly believed I could apologise to you!" Louis hurled at him.

"For what? You need another errand for me to run for, Your Majesty?!" Zayn retorted in the least calm manner possible.

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