My Safe Place

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Callie's P.O.V

Two days and one night. That's how long Moms decided we should go camping for in order to get everyone's mind off everything that's been happening recently. Lena quitting her job has been hard dealing with. Robert wanting to gain custody of me has been even harder. Stef and Lena have been in and out of court rooms, dealing with different lawyers, trying to figure out the best way to fight Robert so they can adopt me. The adoption isn't the only thing that's been going on. My situation with Brandon has taken a toll on me as well.

When I kissed him at the benefit, it made me realize what I had been giving up all this time I've been trying to distance myself from him. In that split second that I had decided to press my lips to his, I knew it was the best decision. The second our foreheads touched and our lips met, I felt okay again. I forgot all about Sophia ripping up the papers, and I forgot about Robert not wanting to sign new ones. All that mattered in that moment was Brandon and his lips on mine. I felt like I was home, my hands in his hair, one of this hands on my back and the other one holding my face. It felt normal and more importantly it felt right. It felt like the world had slipped away and nothing else existed but us and our perfect moment.

The night we got home was a rough one and the following one was even worse, when I walked in on him and Lou kissing in the garage practising a new song. When I confronted him about my feelings, he told me that he didn't want me giving up on my dream, and although getting adopted might have been the initial dream, somewhere along the way, my needs changed. I realized that I need Brandon and not in a brotherly kind of way. I need him to be able to comfort me and hold me in his arms and kiss my forehead but that can't happen if I'm going to be a part of this family. He told me "we don't always get to have our one true love" but he was wrong. If we fight for it, we can have our one true love. And my one true love will always be Brandon.

The past few days have been a little awkward for us and he's been pretty much avoiding me completely, unless we're eating dinner with the rest of the family. When the Moms told us we were taking a weekend to bond as a family in the woods without any other form of communication but each other, I got nervous but at the same time excited. I was nervous mainly because Brandon has found every way to avoid making contact with me and I was scared that it would continue on this trip. Despite my nervousness, my excitement was the feeling that had taken over. I had this whole weekend to find some way to be alone with him and make him realize that what we have is worth fighting for and that what we feel happens once in a lifetime, like he had told me at the dance that felt like ages ago.

I was now sitting in the passenger seat of Brandon's car, while he drove and the twins were in the back-seat fighting about something I had decided to block out. Jude rode with Moms in their car; he wanted to keep them company. Brandon and I were making minimum level eye contact. I was listening to the radio while trying to take pictures of the scenery we were passing. After about another hour of awkward tension, we finally arrived at the camp site we were staying at.

One by one, we all got out of the cars taking our stuff with us and dropping everything to the ground. We all stared at each other until Stef spoke up.

"Okay, kids, this is how it's gonna work," she spoke loud as if we couldn't hear her clear enough. "We have three tents to set up and we're all going to help in doing so." Mariana groaned and Jesus laughed at her, which was nothing new.

"One tent will be mine and Mama's, another one will be for Callie and Mariana, and last but not least, all three boys will be sharing one. Everyone got that?" We all nodded and headed toward the three tents that were waiting to be set up. I walked to the blue one and just as I was about to pick it up, a hand brushed mine. I turned to see who it was and of course it was none other than Brandon himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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