Ch.2|The Beginning of Unrest

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(Y/N) stood in a dark room, staring into a mirror. She couldn't move and she could only see what was in front of her: a flashback of her one past self. Of the time when she was in the mafia.

" Was there ever a moment where Mom actually loved you?"

What the hell are you talking about...? She was mentally ill, it wasn't really her fault.

" Yet she felt nothing but hatred for your father and that retched ability of yours."

I could care less that she's felt nothing. I forgive her now.

" ... And you really think that's all going to be over now? Your father's still alive."

What about my father?

" He doesn't care about you either. He disguises his excuse of only wanting to keep you as a lead for good measure. He doesn't care about you."

I still hate that man regardless. If he were to-

" -die it'd make it all the better."

That's not what I-

" But it is what you meant, dearest (Y/N). You're truly a demon, don't forget that. So why don't you just kill him?"

Shut up... I'm with good people now, that was in the past.

" Just because you're surrounded by the most morally clean people doesn't mean you're clean yourself. You already know that."

Well, yes... but I'm not going to kill him off.

" Do it."

I refuse.

" I said: Do. It."

Shut up..... Shut up! Just... shut up. SHUT UP!!!


(Y/N)'s hands started to grip tightly onto Dazai's shirt, which was enough to wake him up. To be honest, he wasn't really sleeping, but he stared up at the ceiling as he let her fall asleep on his chest. He thought maybe it was a only a small shiver and that'd she'd gotten cold. That thought was quickly erased, as her felt her body tense up. The expression on her face was filled with a mix of worry and frustration, as her hand started to tug at the collar of his shirt. Bringing a hand to her hair, he'd pulled her closer and started to stroke his fingers through her locks. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear, hoping that'd it stop her body from tensing up. She jolted awake, enough to jump out of his grasp as she sat up.

Small gasps escaped her mouth, as she caged herself in her own arms. Her body shook as she started to hyperventilate, her body loosing control from the panic. Dazai sat up with her, shifting over to hold her from behind. " Darling, breathe. It's alright, I'm here," he whispered in her ear, his hold tightening around her," Breathe with me." He exaggerated his breathe so that she could hear. Heaving through, she felt herself not being able to breathe for a moment, but she followed his pattern to eventually calm herself down. Her shoulders started to relax, and she turned around in his hold to face him. " Sorry...," she mumbled while looking down," To be honest, I haven't been able to sleep well these past few nights."

He brushed her hair out of her face," It's alright, belladonna. I don't mind. What was it about?" " I don't really wish to talk about it right now...," she said back. Sighing, Dazai move his hand so then her chin was up facing her. " Well, I'm not going to force you," there was a sad smile on his lips," Let's go back to sleep, yeah?" She nodded, leaning into him to give him a small peck on the lips before laying back down. In that moment, she was fast asleep, while her lover stayed awake wondering what could've disturbed her.

Dear, Prince.//Dazai X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now