A Collection of Notes on The Mis-Matched Couple - A Diary Entry by Kunikida

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July 16, 20--

Today, we had two new agents that were recently employed: (Y/N) (L/N) and Dazai Osamu. They both seemed rather eager to work at the agency. However, I was a little suspicious of the two at first. Generally, they didn't seem like the two who were actually employed, but (Y/N) looked like she could pass off as an accountant. However, Dazai was an even harder case to crack. They complimented each other in looks and all, not to mention, I noticed the matching bolo tie and necklace that hung around their collars. I look forward to future work days with them.

July 30, 20--

Update on a previous entry from two weeks ago...
Look, I don't have anything against the two, but lord do I have a headache. That ridiculous Dazai finds himself ditching work, leaving  in the middle of meetings, and goofing off during work. I've spent the majority of my time baby sitting him, rather than actually doing work. At this point, I just feel bad for (Y/N). She's unbelievably patient with him. How could these two even end up working together...

June 2, 20--

It's the day after the two finished each of their entrance exams. To say the least, I've noticed something between the two. Although, Dazai's rather a lethargic worker, he's impressive when it comes to meticulous planning and strategy. His skills are brilliant, and I couldn't have asked for a better partner after the course of two days. (Y/N)'s a diligent worker and from what I heard from Yosano she's a "quick thinker". I'll take Yosano's word for it. They're both officially members of the agency. I noticed something in them, as we'd all reunited near the Port Dock at the end of the day. They somewhat complete each other, eyes aren't vacant for even a moment. They're rather dedicated to each other, truly in love with one another.

I'm not particularly a man of much emotion, but seeing them together made me feel satisfied inside. They're truly a mismatched couple, but it works out when worst comes to worst. I hope the best for the future.

December 1, 20--

There's a thing that I've observed of my partner that I'd call rather interesting. He has very vacant eyes when (Y/N) isn't present. His smile is there, the same bastard smile that he always carries, but his eyes are blank. I noticed this when we were working this afternoon, walking outside in the small Chinatown across the street. At the end of the day, his eyes started to glow and dilate, as he walked towards the agency door while being greeted with his love, (Y/N). Sometimes when things get too close to dangerous, he clings onto the pendant on his tie, like it was some sort of prayer that he'd be safe.

Careful observation, I thought I'd note.


Oya~ dearest readers!

This is just a short note of what Kunikida writes in his ideal notebook. I got bored in class and this just came to mind. Ch. 3 is coming soon! ^^

Much Love <3

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