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Trigger warning; this book includes themes of violence, gun violence, assault, drug use, slurs, murder and many more


Angel Marksman was furious.

This wasn't an occurrence that happened a lot. His men, nor his women dared to mess up when it came to their work. When they did, though, they rightly feared the consequences that would inevitably come. An angry man, known to the public as the kind man who owns the local strip club and takes care of his workers, would become their worst nightmare. Angel was terrifying. Sure, if you walked past him in the street, you wouldn't think it had even crossed his mind to murder somebody, but if you could see past the friendly smile and innocent eyes, his heart was cold and his soul was one even Satan would be ashamed of.

Without a moment of doubt or hesitation, he lifted his gun from the top drawer of his oak desk, aiming towards the man that caused his anger. Not even for a second did he stop to care about the blood that would stain his carpets.
  "What the fuck were you planning to do when there was blood in the water? A mistake, not even a three-year-old would make! The police may not take TBS down, but what is the use of a gang if it is slowly being dismantled by dimwitted lowlifes like you? Who do you think is cleaning your mess up?" his usually soft voice was loud and threatening, the only thing overtaking the volume was the gunshot ringing through the home. For a moment, it didn't register to the victim of Angel's anger. "Who's going to clean that? Or this? Or this? Oh, that's right. Me!" bullets fired at him again, hitting him in the abdomen and thigh.

After that, Angel stopped shooting, stepping back to place his gun on his desk.
  "I suggest you get out of my sight unless you want a bullet between your eyes. Run along." he laughed to himself at the last part, watching as the man limped out of the room. The man was limping and leaving a trail of crimson blood behind him, and Angel knew that it would take forever to clean, but in the end, if it wasn't removed within the week, he'd just rip up the carpets and replace them.
  With his back against his desk, he thought for a moment, contemplating his next movements. Did he face his men and women or did he get straight back to work?

A visit to the local library and cafe was a necessity, he was looking for a book to gift his Father, but he didn't know many names to search for when ordering. Books weren't his thing. Inside his coat, he had two guns stored for emergency purposes. He had one inside his boot and bag for the same reason. He was sure he wouldn't have to use them, but he liked to be prepared, so as he took his wallet from the desk, he checks for his library and bank card.
  "Hey, boss, before you leave, Eleanore was seen with that Savannah's friend again. You know, the one you dislike." he nods, holding up a hand to signal his guy to pause. He had misplaced his keys. "You were drunk last night, I put them in the second drawer down."
  "This, Raph, is why you are my right-hand man. Walk with me. I want someone to find information about that guy, somebody get new-guy I somewhat like but shot a few times some medical care. If he snitches then don't hesitate to put a bullet in his skull. I want you to go to the warehouse and make sure those sneaky bitches aren't stealing from me. If you catch them taking anything, I want you to shoot for every hundred, and give me names." nodding, Raphael looks around.
  "Get someone to treat dumbass, make sure he doesn't snitch, make sure we don't have any thieves on our hands, and deal with it if we do. Got it. Anything else?"
  "Get us space at our favourite place for tonight, I'm going to get drunk."


In total, he'd chosen five books. They ranged from supernatural themes to works written by scientists. He knew that his father would love them, but he wanted a second opinion.
  "Excuse me," he mumbled, tapping somebody in uniform on the shoulder. They weren't somebody that Angel recognised, but he started speaking anyway. "Would you recommend these books?"
  "The supernatural ones are books I would definitely recommend. I'm not too sure about these ones," chuckling, Angel nods. "Let me guess, looking for books for a relative? I can find out ratings given to these books if you'd like."
  "For my Father. If it wouldn't be too much of a bother, I'd like that."

Teiron was exhausted. He'd had a long day in classes, and he'd had to go for his first day at his part-time job as a librarian. Luckily, though, it wasn't too stressful to do, as not many people came through the library until the end of his shift when more students came into study. There was one man, though, that stuck in his mind even when he got home.

  "I'm home," he called, locking the door behind him. "Luka?" he sighed and set his phone down on the coffee table. Yet again, his boyfriend wasn't home. He was probably out drinking. "Looks like I'm eating dinner alone. Again."
A simple microwavable meal was slipped from its packaging and slipped into the microwave.

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