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Silence filled the car. Dahyun was awfully quiet from the sudden turn of events, and Momo was hesitant to bother her fiancé from her well-deserved rest.

"So how long have you three been friends?" Dahyun suddenly blurted out. Momo looked over and tried to count the years with her fingers. "A long time, really. Our families were close, and we were all practically raised together." She explained as she recalled her shared childhood. This gave the younger girl a feeling that stung her core. She didn't want to betray anyone, especially when she's been put into the receiving end of it already. But why did it feel like she was doing something wrong?

"That's nice." Dahyun smiled as she looked out the window, deciding to take in Osaka's view to distract herself. Momo put her arm over her fiancé's shoulder, embracing her. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." Dahyun said effortlessly.

It was a really silent trip. They got dropped off at a private condominium, which Momo's family owned. It was only a temporary thing. Momo had planned to stay at her parent's place, but she wanted her lover to rest before facing her parents.

"We'll sleep here tonight before we go to the charity banquet tomorrow." Momo carried most of the luggage. Dahyun was about to enter the elevator, but stopped as Momo finished her sentence. A wave of shock was evident on her face. "Charity... Banquet?..." She questioned.

"O-Oh." A dawn of realization hit Momo. Shit. I forgot to tell her. She scratched her head without replying and nudged Dahyun to get into the elevator. Her fiancé scoffed and got it, pouting. She was utterly confused. "I'll explain when we get to the unit."

Fair enough, they both got to the unit that was on the top floor. It was the biggest unit, reserved for their prestigious clients. The moment they both got in and settled the luggage, the younger girl had her arms crossed in front of her chest. "So?"

Momo giggled, trying to calm her now fuming fiancé. Putting up her hands in front of her defensively, she started to explain. "I maybe forgot to tell you about the fact that we'll be meeting my parents at our charity event, and that I'll be announcing our engagement there." Dahyun squinted her eyes in disbelief. She was never fond of big, grand parties. "And you didn't tell me this before, because...?" She was less mad, but her eyebrows were still well stitched together. "...I-It... slipped my mind?"

"Yah!!" Dahyun hit the girl's shoulders gently. Amidst controlled by anger, she still was careful about hurting people. She was genuinely mad at her fiancé, though. "You could've told me earlier! You know I'm not a fan of public gatherings!" Panic slowly seeped in through the girl's expression. Momo couldn't protest at all, knowing very well that it was her fault.

"Oh, god... What will I even wear!?" Dahyun started pacing back and forth, thinking about the clothes she packed for the trip. Jeans, hoodies, pyjamas, winter dresses... No fancy gowns. She squatted down and pouted adorably. "H-Hey..." Momo sat in front of her, attempting to comfort her. The only thing she got out of that was a flick on the forehead. "Ow."

"Come on, angel~ You didn't even let me finish completely." She said in defense. Offering her hand to Dahyun, which the girl took after a few seconds of debating, she stood up and lead her fiancé to the bedroom. "I am most definitely NOT having sex with you after you just bombarded me with su-"

Sitting on the bed was a beautiful white dress. Momo let Dahyun in first. "W-Wait..." Dahyun pointed to the dress and back to her face, implying her inquisition. Momo nodded and smiled, seeing the utter joy splash against Dahyun's expression. There we go, angel.

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