Chimcken nunget,,,,,

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Please give me oneshot ideas for my SaiOuma oneshot book:') no angst tho ii💔

Gghjcgkg desperate Kayayday teim LOL she went yeet

Also dont mind the title i just didnt know what to put for it DRTDNFMFMC

I decided to say fuck quarantine bc i wanted them to have a sleepover so yeah❤also edited the online classes thing from last chapter but dw about it lol nothing changed besides that


"War Flashbacks"
3:50 P.M.

Mm banana, Babey3, and 5 others have gone online.

Benis: @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp please!!!

Mm banana:.....????

Makironi: Please what? What happened?

Benis: @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp @ Fuckin Simp Shuichi!!!

Babey3: Ohhhh she didnt use the nicknamee,,,,,

Little red riding hood: *sips tea*

Munsic:,,,,,*also sips tea*

Benis: Shuichi,,,,

Makironi: Hes probably ignoring the chat rn

Benis: Ugh! Why?!

Munsic: I assume you guys met up because you asked him to.....Correct?

Gucci: Most likely..

Benis: @ Fuckin Simp answer me;!!

Fuckin Simp has gone online.

Fuckin Simp: No matter what you do

Fuckin Simp: No matter what you say

Fuckin Simp: No matter what you try to bribe me with

Fuckin Simp: You cant force me to be with you

Benis: But i love you!

Fuckin Simp: I know, everyone does, but love someone else i told you already

Fuckin Simp: Besides, you act like a bitch and you make me uncomfortable

Benis: Who can be better then me?!

Fuckin Simp: Literally everyone.

Benis: Who is it?

Benis: Who do you love? Ill become better and we can live together happily!

Fuckin Simp: Not saying.

Benis: Who

Benis: Who

Benis: Who

Benis: Who

Benis: Who

Benis: Who

Benis: Who

Benis: Who

Benis: Who

Benis: Who

Benis: Who

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