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Aurora's feet no longer touched the ground. Instead, she'd wrapped them around Demetrius' torso as he blazed through the streets of Catania. Their heartbeats were both rapid and aligned as shots followed closely behind. Her fear increased when they bent a corner, worried that they'd make a wrong turn and the Spanish mobsters would corner them. However, as the civilians scattered, they shielded him as he ran. 

Demetrius managed to pull his phone from his pocket and dial a number, all while carrying her. "Matteo! They found us! I managed to get the girl away but they're closing in! I'm going to need some assistance!"

"We're on our way. Keep yourselves alive you hear me!" 

A bullet came out of nowhere and crashed into his iPhone, nearly taking the man's ear. Aurora screamed at the impact. It was strange that no matter how far they got, Lorenzo was always so close. His malicious cackle gave her nightmares. Knowing him far past the two years of marriage to his brother, she was terrified of him.

Lorenzo Garcia was the craziest of the brothers, murdering far more than they had and in the most stomach-turning ways. Now he's found her vulnerable on the streets. No doubt the family sent him out to kill her and he would stop at nothing to please them.

"Give her to me!"

In response, Demetrius turned to shoot at him, inches away from a headshot. It was enough to slow Lorenzo down as they ran through the chaos. Aurora was trembling, nearly frozen in fear. She knew that one day the Gonzalez would come for her, she just never expected it to be soo soon.

So when he finally put her down in a corner, she crumbled to the floor and folded her arms around her knees. Demetrius was too busy to care, pulling out the guns that were on him—five Ak47s. 

When he finally looked at her, he shook his head and pulled her to her feet. "Cry later, Aurora. Right now, you need to protect yourself."

She nodded and tried her best to calm herself down. In her efforts, the streets went barren, quiet enough that they could hear the threatening footsteps coming closer.

"The police aren't coming and Matteo isn't here as yet. Your only protection is me and yourself. I will do everything in my power to protect you but if I go down... use this and find a way to get out," Demetrius instructed, handing her one of his guns.

Truthfully, Aurora had never held a gun before. It was heavy; she could barely wrap her finger around the trigger. However, she pushed her fear down completely and forced herself to be calm. Otherwise, she'd be a liability to Demetrius and her baby.

"Alright, when I say run, do so as fast as you can. Do you understand me?" He asked as he held her by the cheeks. She nodded firmly. "Alright... RUN AURORA!" 

He didn't have to tell her twice. She took off like the devil was on her tail. She didn't stop running. Even at the rapid gunfire, the shouts of agony and thuds, even when Demetrius grunted in pain. She kept going down the streets, bending every corner and ducking through the running crowd. Her lungs felt as though they were on fire when she finally stopped. She could hear the gunfire in a distance. Her mind was racing, wondering what to do next. She didn't have her escape bag so it's not like she can flee the country. She was broke, vulnerable, and alone.

However, a lingering bag caught her eye. What looked to be a businessman, had dropped his bag whilst he was on the road. She quickly picked it up and searched through it. Elated, she found over a thousand pounds in there. Based on the area, this man was probably about to lodge this money into a bank account. Still, that didn't stop her from taking it.

'If he dropped it, he can do without it.'

She ran with the bag and bent another corner. However, she screamed when she slammed into a familiar chest. Lorenzo cocked his gun into her skull and held her tightly against his form. She could smell the gunpowder on his clothes and the bourbon on his breath.

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