Chapter One: 'TO LIVE OR TO DIE.'

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Aurora had been sitting in the darkness for three days. She didn't know this though. After a while, she stopped keeping track of time. Instead, she focused on every sound she heard and her heart spiked when she did. Every time the door opened or slammed, every time a pair of footsteps passed her cell... whenever they stopped near the door, skidding against the rocky floor. Whenever that happened, she took a breath to stop herself from becoming hysterical, for if she didn't... she'd have gone insane.

There wasn't much to look at in the dusty, dark room. She sat on a bed with a texture like stone and felt dirt between her toes whenever she placed her feet on the floor. There had to be goosebumps on every inch of her skin, the cold was almost unbearable. She wrapped her arms around herself for the millionth time but it was no use—the poor girl was freezing. How long would they keep her in there?

The irrational part of her feared that they'd leave her in here to starve but she willed that thought to leave the train station. Surely they needed her for something, considering she was still alive. Knowledgeable of her husband's occupation, she figured he had something to do with this mess. No, they wouldn't kill her... but the lingering thought of them torturing her made more sense.

She witnessed such a thing once before. Last year when she dared to slap Andre at dinner. He dragged her to the basement of his home. It was as cold as this but she didn't stay there as long. He pulled her to a cell and forced her to sit down. With cries of frustration, she did so... only stopping at the sight before her. There was another girl in there, bloodied and completely nude. She lay completely still; she barely saw her breathing but her eyes were wide open... filled with fear and hopelessness.

Her husband smiled at the sight whilst breathing became impossible for him. Her heart stopped at her condition... but he was nowhere near finished with her. He snapped his fingers, and five large, bulky men walked into the room. Their faces held excitement as they walked by them; their smiles were so wide with glee. They pulled the bleeding girl by her hair to lift her and scarred them both with their forceful entry. She didn't scream for help or mercy, the fight had left her but tears fell from her eyes as they stripped her of her soul... she'd quickly realized that this was not the first time.

Andre tugged Aurora's hair whenever she tried to hide her face, forcing her to watch the whole thing. All while explaining to her that this was what happened to weak links of other families. They both watched his men rape his capture and it went on for the rest of that night.

'Is that what will happen to me? '

Fear riddled her system but she knew she had to be strong. She rubbed her stomach and wiped her tears away. Whatever happened to her, she had to be strong and defend her child.

The thought crossed her just as the door opened and a blinding orange light barged into the room. Aurora shielded her eyes as two men walked in and grabbed her arms. They pushed her out of the cell, almost tripping her, and ushered her to walk. She was afraid but she glared at them all the same. That action earned her a jaw-breaking slap. 

"I said walk." 

She glared at him again before spitting in his face. The young man was enraged by her and grabbed her throat. She winced, still healing from previous bruises. His dark green eyes promised penance for my disrespect.

"Hey, if you knock her out, the boss will be pissed!"

A dark-skinned man, taller than this man and older judging by the wrinkles on his face. Aurora smirked at them both before following the tall one out of the hallway of horrors; the screams followed her out. She was apprehensive of the enemy she just made behind me but she couldn't help it, hunger made her angry and she was eating for two.

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