The Plotline of Omelas

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A/N: whoo I found this in my files; damn this could've been something. Maybe. Inspired very much by Le Guin's "Those Who Walk Away From Omelas."



-talks about Patria's lack of faith despite living in a pious community that seems to blindly follow an eternal entity that gives and takes often.

- introduces Lillian Kesler, Ramona Alleyne: how the community reacts to promiscuous women, women who do as they please and even different cultures/races.

- introduces Theodore's character, someone not exactly within the actual story but is prominent throughout, just as life is with people who leave too soon.

-introduces Patria's mother and her character, as well as her job, her failed marriage life and how the community reacts to that.

- talks a bit about Patria's sexuality and feminity.



-introduces Nolan Pollak and Patria's interest in him.

-more about sexuality, themes of such and love.

-boys can be pretty too, introduces Samuel Kesler.

-people in love are beautiful, introducing Tulsa and her relationship with Nolan

- themes of heartbreak (bad religion: devotion, connecting to God. Analogy, why give it all to God if he keeps taking and taking?)

-rains a lot.



- jealousy, themes. Despising those with ivory skin, hating beautiful people.

- themes about identity and beauty when Patria meets Tulsa. (I was meant to be her)

- wanting to be more tough, independent and angry. Angry shows no weakness.

- Tulsa is aggressive while Patria is soft, and shy.

- compares everything about her and her life with Tulsa.

- chapter ends with Patria' mom selling a mysterious package relating to her fortune telling to Lillian Kesler.

- sun coming out more



- more sun, getting hotter.

- explains Lillian Kesler's life and her struggles and how she ended up being the town's prostitute. Themes about sexuality, heartbreak, freedom, poverty, femininity.

- rockabye baby. Does her best to change things by moving to Omelas.

- her devotion to protecting her son-- your love ain't gonna be nothing like my love. Understands her son's sexuality and plans on protecting him from his father, they end up living together in her trailer

- on a really hot day she lets him go walking around and swimming with his friends, it starts getting really late and he hasn't come home yet so she goes out looking for him. Starts walking near the steep bank when an old customer comes by and starts harassing her, she tries to fight him off but ends up being pushed down the bank, hitting her head on the rocks and drowning.

- Samuel returns home, ready to apologize to his mother only to find the dinner cold on the table.



- short chapter during Lillian's funeral, the most beautiful thing in the world.

- Patria realizes their mortality and the ugliness of humans, despite making something so beautiful.



- a myriad of house fires due to the dry weather.

- Samuel sleeping on Patria's couch, depressed and quiet, like corpse.

- eventually he starts going out at night and Patria's mother tries to kick him out but Patria begs for her to let him stay or else his father will abuse him. He stays.

- Samuel convinces Patria to go out to a party with him, Patria hesitates but goes with him to make sure nothing bad happens. His mood has been odd lately, still quiet but melancholicly optimistic.

- at the party she sees Theodore and a bunch of innocent seeming students and watches them as they live painfully and party as if their broken lives are perfect. Realizes she doesn't know who any of them are, blind through the heavy cloud of cigarette smoke and the intoxicated smiles on their faces.

- lets her guard down, depressed, and takes a random pill with Samuel, emotions flood and she cries in his arms about what she can never understand.

- they both hear a gunshot coming from the backyard.



-The image of Theodore's curls blood soaked in the grass stuck in her head, he was shot by an officer from the South who was trying to dispel the party due to complaints.

- the community remained quiet about it, anger quietly boiling within the younger community: eventually Northern Gardberg High invites the Southern Gardberg High School over on the second day of school to hold a meeting about it.

- arguments ensue while others mourn quietly over the loss of a friend.

- Patria, traumatized by the experience, gets up during the arguments: reconciling the moments and people she cares about, and leaves the school, continues walking until she can't see the clocktower that says "welcome to Omelas." Omelas behind her.

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