The Methods

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here are just some of the methods i've found out about as well as other notes I've gotten. keep in mind im definitely NOT an expert, so i cant promise that these methods are perfect. btw i cant think of a good safe word so please give me suggestions :))

Overall notes:

Maybe best to use more than one method

Finish all ur hw, take a shower, clean your room, no distractions/stress; be focused

If u wanna go to hogwarts then watch a hp movie, or compilations of hp stuff

You have to at least make a little bit of effort

Have background noise with the vid ur listening to

Get amino, may help giving you advice for shifting


Meditate to Alethia's guided meditation or music

Watch around 2 hours before u usually go to sleep

Heartbeat method:

Listen to the sound of a heartbeat online

You can listen for 5-10 min, or even an hour

Rest your head on a pillow; Put the device playing it under your pillow, with the volume up

And imagine ur laying on whoever u wanna shift to

Best for shifting to a reality where u have a lover

Imagine the person ur laying on saying, "y/n, it's time to go"

Imagine that person leading you towards a door, then open it

Imagine your dream reality self, and desired location, of the beginning of the dream

You're supposed to see white and begin to feel tingling, tingling means it's working

As you step through the door, feel like you're falling

When you hit the ground you should be in your reality

Alice in Wonderland Method:

Imagine you're sitting against a tree, and someone from your desired reality runs Chase after them until they go into a rabbit hole, then follow them into the rabbit hole

Very important: as you're falling imagine seeing things from your current reality going away from you (Homework, bedroom, books)

Take your time, maybe 5 min

Don't do this when you're too tired, 3 min before

Keep falling until you hit the bottom

Imagine the person you want saying "are you ready to go y/n?"

Then let them lead you to a door

Imagine your dream reality self, the location, where you are at the beginning of your dream

Imagine your soul going into your dream reality's body

Sleep as your dream reality's self, when you wake up you should be in your new reality

Raven Method

Be half asleep, like 3 min away from being asleep

Listen to peaceful background noise

Lay down on your back, arms and legs like a starfish

Say in your mind "1 i am shifting, 2 i am shifting" or repeat what you want to happen

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