Character Bio #8

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                  Tsubame Tokoyami

                  Tsubame Tokoyami

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Age: 15

Birthday: October 13

Quirk: Frog Shadow

Just like her father, Tsubame also has a shadow spirit coming out of her body. But instead of it being in the form of a bird, it's in the form of a frog. She can also wear Frog Shadow and use it to mimic her Mom's quirk. Also her quirk works best when it's in a dark area.

Backstory: Tsubame grew up admiring the dark arts like her father. She's formed a strong connection with Frog Shadow and always turns to him when she needs someone to talk to. She hopes to become an amazing hero like her Mom and Dad.

Personality: Tsubame is a bit like both her parents. She can be dark and gritty like her Dad, but also bright and happy like her Mom. She's super protective of her younger brothers too.

Favorite food: Apples and flies.

Favorite things: Darkness, ponds, listening to frogs ribbit and birds chirp.

Best friends: Frog Shadow, Toshinori Midoriya, Chihiro Shoji, Akio Kirishima.

Has a crush on Chihiro Shoji



Father: Fumikage Tokoyami (Tsukoyami)
Mother: Tsuyu Tokoyami (Froppy)
Brothers: Kage Tokoyami, Gurimu Tokoyami
Aunt: Satsuki Asui (Froggy)
Uncle: Samidare Asui
Grandmother: Beru Asui
Grandfather: Ganma Asui


Hero name: Stealth Hopper

Hero costume:

Hero costume:

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