Chapter 10: Together {Final}

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Final Chapter...!!


The moon shone brilliantly within the pitch black of the sky. The majority of Magnolia's residents were either asleep or wasting their night away at a bar. Two figures could be seen, walking side by side through the streets. Upon further inspection, the two figures were holding hands. Despise this, the tension between them could be cut with a knife.

Eden fiddled with her hair nervously, since she still hadn't gotten use to the physical contact that was conspiring. Laxus, on the other hand, thought all of this was totally normal. He had always had a slight crush on the dark-haired mage, and he just assumed that she felt the same. I mean, who couldn't love someone of his looks and power?

The duo finally arrived at Laxus' house, a nicely sized two-story building on the outskirts of Magnolia. A grumble could be heard from the lightning dragon slayer as he dug through his jacket pocket. Second later he pulled out a ring of keys, one of which he used to lazily unlock the door. He held the door open, gesturing for Eden to walk inside. She hesitantly took the offer, shuffling inside the house. 

Once inside, Laxus stepped in after her and shut the door behind him. Eden just stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, a simple duffle bug hug around her shoulder. Laxus raised a questioning eyebrow at her, to which she just snapped her gaze downwards in response.

"You okay?" Laxus asked, confusion flooding his voice.

"Mhm. This is all just a bit sudden, that's all." Eden answered back, her eyes flitting from the dragon slayer and then back to the floor.

"What do ya mean?" Laxus inquired, a puzzled expression still grazing his features. Eden felt an unknown rage slowly building up inside of her. Are all dragon slayers this dense?

"Is this normal for you or something?! What's your deal?!" the dark-haired mage spat in a rude way. Laxus was taken aback by the sudden outburst. What's her deal?

"The hell you talking about? I love you and you love me, so what's there to argue about?" Laxus countered back, his simplemindedness clouding any normal thoughts. Eden was caught off guard by the confession, and soon turned into a stuttering mess as her cheeks burned pink.

"You are just-I.....can't-you...urgh!" Eden managed to say, though no sentences were actually formulated. Laxus rolled his eyes at her idiocy before swiftly scooping her up in his arms bridal style. (A/N: I feel like this gimmick is totally abused...but whatever)

"What are you- AaAhhHh! Laxus!" Eden shouted as Laxus carried her up his short flight of stairs. 

"Shuddup," the blonde responded simply, skillfully opening the door to his bedroom while still having hold of Eden. The dark-haired mage shifted uncomfortably, not sure of what she should make of the situation.

Laxus dumped her onto his bed, which had a surprisingly soft mattress.

"I'll be right back. Get changed while I'm gone." he muttered, barely audible, as he stumbled into a room connecting to his bedroom, which seemed to be a bathroom. Eden sat on the bed for a couple of seconds in a stunned silence, before realizing the task she had been given.

She quickly dressed herself in her pajamas. From what she could hear, Laxus was taking a shower, so that gave her time to snoop around. She took a moment to recollect herself and gaze around the room. Among the usual things you might find in a bedroom, the walls were covered in photographs. The majority of them were of the Thunder Legion, but there were a few others that caught Eden's eye.

The first was a picture of his mother. Laxus never talked about his mom, since she had died when he was young. Eden smiled at the picture, before looking at the next one. It was a picture of her and Laxus as children. She remembered his photo, since it was taken shortly after they first met. They had asked a stranger to take the photo, and he had done a pretty good job in doing so. The last picture was of Ivan, Laxus' father. Eden scowled about looking at the image. Even if she hadn't seen Laxus for a while now, she definitely knew how cruel and ruthless Ivan Dreyar was.

Eden was pulled from her daze at the sound of the shower turning off. She began to remember why she was actually here, and her cheeks turned pink all over again. 

A couple minutes later Laxus stepped out of the bathroom, wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts. He eyed Eden skeptically, who just stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Something wrong?" he asked, towering over the lightning mage. Eden vigorously shook her head 'no' in response. Laxus rolled her eyes, picking her up once again and throwing her onto the bed. Eden let out a small squeak as he did so, which Laxus found extremely amusing. 

He crawled into the bed next to her, moving the blanket to cover the both of them. Laxus grumbled something along the lines of 'good night' before snoring could be heard from him.

Eden head was still running at a mile a minute. She was thinking of an endless amount of unanswered questions relating to her current situation. 





After a while of hyperventilating, Eden was finally able to calm down. Soon, a contended smile could be found spreading across her pale complexion. While things were moving at an incredible pace for her, none of the occurring events could be classified as bad. She should be grateful that some of her biggest fantasies were actually coming true.

"The hell are you doing. I can hear you overthinking over there." Laxus snarled groggily. Eden let out a giggle, which was incredibly out of character. She turned around, hugging tightly onto Laxus.

"Sorry. Good night, Laxus," Eden responded, yawning shortly after.

"Night, Sparky." Laxus said in his usual monotone voice, a slight smile appearing on his face.

It seems that the Thunder God and his Idol has been reunited at last.


Well there's a crappy ending for a crappy story! I know it was kind of rushed and all, but whatever.

I might make another chapter as an epilogue of sorts, but I'm not sure yet.

Have a great day!!!

Thanks for reading!!!


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