Chapter 4: Meeting

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Chapter Four! This chapter was written on my phone, so I apologize if there are a lot of spelling or grammatical errors.


Nobody's POV

As the Thunder Legion tread across the barren rock, the magical force only grew stronger. The thunderstorm still raging above them, adding an occasional blast of bright yellow lightning followed by the deep rumbling of thunder.

The scent that Laxus had detected upon entering the canyon only grew stronger along with the strange magical energy. The rest of his teammates could feel the uneasiness radiating from the lightning dragon slayer, but they decided not to question him. Suddenly, a building of sorts came into view.

"Guys, do you see that?" Evergreen asked, gesturing towards the new appearance.

"Yes. It would seem that someone has made a home out of this place. They might be our culprit." Freed observed quickly.

"You really think someone would willingly live down in this wasteland? Whoever it is, they must be an idiot." Bickslow said in an unbelieving tone.

"Watch who you call and idiot, Bickslow."

The group of four turned their heads towards the cause of the new sound. A hooded figure sat on a nearby cliff, dangling their legs over the rocky surface.

"Show yourself." Freed demanded in a serious tone, drawing his sword. Both and Evergreen and Bickslow got into a fighting stance, and the latter's babies hovered above their master. The person just laughed a little and swung themselves off of the cliff and in front of the group of wizards.


Everyone turned towards the blonde dragon slayer, whose face was contorted with many different emotions.

"The one and only," the stranger, now know as Eden, spoke. Eden pulled down her hood to reveal her medium-length black hair and dark eyes. She wore a small smirk that was placed within her tan skin.

The Thunder Legion stood, dumbfounded at the sight of what seemed to be the idol of their own Thunder God. 

"You're Eden Gaskill?" Bickslow finally managed. The black-haired lightning wizard simply nodded before responding.

"Yup. I guess Laxus told you about me, huh?" Eden said, grinning widely at the three.

" did you know Bickslow's name?" Freed though out loud, his hand still grazing the hilt of his sword.

Eden turned to Freed, her grin fading into a polite smile. "When Laxus and I were traveling together, he would never shut up about you three. It started to get pretty annoying." Eden said with a small laugh.

The Thunder Legion looked at the lightning dragon slayer, whose face was slightly flushed. Everyone just kind of stood there for a minute or two, trying to process the situation. Suddenly, a flash of lightning struck in the distance, bringing everyone back to reality. With impeccable timing, rain startled pelting down from the dark clouds above.

"Come, we can talk more once we get to shelter." Eden offered, gesturing towards the building in the distance. She suddenly appeared behind Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen and with a a flash of blue, they were suddenly in the foyer of that same building. Seconds later, Laxus opened the door, his clothes soaked and revealing some of the skin beneath his shirt.

"You coulda taken me with you," the wet dragon slayer muttered, carefully peeling off his coat and hanging it on a rack where Freed's coat was already hanging.

"Oops...sorry." Eden apologized, having almost forgotten about the lightning mage's existence. Laxus rolled his eyes and started taking of his boots and the rest of his team followed suit.


Sorry for the semi-short chapter! Hope you enjoyed!

Have a great day!!


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