Ticklish Terror

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One day, Marcus was walking through a forest in search of a Woodland Mansion. He heard of an artifact called a Totem of Undying. He kept walking until he saw the huge building in front of him. “Woah, this place is huge!” He said to himself. He walked into the extremely dark mansion. He shivered in fear. Marcus was always afraid of the dark. He slowly walked through the dark rooms, constantly looking behind him. When he was about to round a corner, a zombie jumped in front of him and scared him. “AHHH!” Marcus yelled, running away into a room and hiding in an empty chest. The zombie giggled and went into the room and opened the chest. It saw Marcus covering his eyes and shaking in fear. The zombie gave Marcus a hug to help him. Marcus felt the hug and blushed. “Sorry~ I’m a big scaredy cat~” He said, getting out of the chest. The zombie patted Marcus’ back. “Do you know where I could find a Totem of Undying?” Marcus asked. The zombie pointed upwards to the second floor. “Oh yeah! The second floor! Thanks!” Marcus said, waving to the zombie. Marcus ran back to the entrance where the stairs were and climbed up them. He looked around and looked around a bit. He came into a room with an evoker. Marcus froze in fear when he saw it. The evoker was suprised to see Marcus and kindly waved at him. Marcus felt a little braver and waved back. The evoker asked him what he was doing here. "I was wondering if I could have a Totem of Undying…" Marcus asked politely. The evoker thought for a bit and said it'll give him one if he does something. "Sure! I'll do anything!" He said. The evoker used it's magic to make Marcus lay down in an X position. It summoned four fangs around him and they gently snapped down on his wrists and ankles, preventing him from moving. Marcus gulped and prepared for tickles. The evoker summoned two fangs next to him and they started nibbling at his sides making Marcus burst out laughing and squirming. The evoker giggled at Marcus' helpless self. Marcus was laughing hysterically and playfully trying to escape the tickly fangs to no avail. The evoker then summoned two more fangs below him that started nibbling at his toes. Marcus laughed even louder and tears streamed down his eyes. Other monsters that were in the mansion heard Marcus' laughter and came in the room to watch him get tickled to death. Marcus laughed and cried as his sides and toes were nibbled. "Stop! It tickles so bad!" Marcus pleaded, but the evoker didn't listen. The evoker then summoned some vexes carrying some feathers. The vexes flew to Marcus and started tickling his belly with their feathers. Marcus gasped for air and struggled as he howled with laughter. Two of the vexes saw Marcus' armpits exposed. "No! Don't tickle there! I'm too ticklish there!" Marcus begged the vexes. The vexes chuckled and flew to his armpits, sweeping their feathers in his extremely ticklish pits. Marcus was laughing at his loudest. The fangs that were restraining him were too strong to break free from. All he could do was laugh and endure the tickles. Marcus was feeling really tired and dizzy, his laughing became more quieter as time went on. Eventually, he passed out from all the tickles. The evoker noticed him and called off the fangs and vexes. Marcus woke up in his bed in his house and at first he thought it was just a dream. But when he got up, something fell off his bed. He picked it up and realized it was a Totem of Undying. "Woah~ Awesome~ That tickling was really fun~" He said, placing the totem of his shelf.

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