Chapter 1 - The Move

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Chapter 1 - The Move
"Taco, are you ready for school?"

"Yes, mom. I've been ready for the past 30 minutes."

"I just have to be sure that everything is in order and that you have everything you need. Let's go."

The older woman and the 16 year old hopped into the minivan and went on their way to the school. Taco wonders to herself what her new school would be like. She imagined huge hallways and dozens of classrooms and everyone just hanging out by the lockers. When she arrived, she breathed in the fresh air. As she was doing this, someone harshly bumped into her.

"Hey watch it freshman!" The person said and muttered under their breath.

"Some people aren't very nice around here." Taco thought aloud.

"You're telling me." A voice said sarcastically. "I'm Ramen." She held out a hand for her to shake. Taco hesitated, but shook her hand anyway.

"Taco." She replied.

"Nice to meet you. You're new, right?" Ramen asked.

"I just told you that my name is Taco and now you think that it's New?" Taco answered.

"Dad jokes. Ugh." Ramen said. "You should hang out with my squad and I. We'll eat together."

"Um.. okay." Taco replied. It hadn't even been 5 minutes and she's already made a friend.

*Later at lunch*

"You're going to love them!" Ramen exclaimed. The two girls walked over to Ramen's table. They were both carrying trays of humans. When they arrived at the table, Taco was greeted by a boy and a girl sitting there. "Taco, this is Pizza and Pasta. Pizsta, Taco."

Pasta looked at her, confused. He asked," Why don't I know you?"

"Um, I just moved from Rose Pond." Taco answered with a sheepish smile.

"If you're from a pond, why are you a taco?" Pizza questioned. Ramen scrunched her eyebrows.

"Oh my god, Pizza. You can't just ask people why they're tacos." Ramen said. Pasta leaned forward to Taco.

"Will you excuse us for just a sec?" Pasta asked Taco. Taco nodded and smiled. The three then whispered to each other in front of Taco. Pizza nodded and Ramen muttered a "yeah" under her breath. Pasta cleared his throat and said, "Do you want to be an official part of our group?"

"Squad." Ramen corrected.

"Whatever." Pasta replied. He then looked to Taco for an answer. Taco didn't want to turn down friends on her first day. Even if they were a little weird. So she decided..

"Sure." Taco responded. The three smiled.

"Great!" Pasta replied. The bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. "We'll see you after school." Then they all went their separate ways.

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