Two Lives Collide

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The sun beats down on Louis' back, his broad-brimmed Stetson shielding his face as he straddles the large tree-trunk-come-makeshift-seat in the house yard, Liam mirroring his position in front of him as they plait a new batch of lead ropes. His hands are sweaty inside the leather gloves that protect him from rope burn and he feels another drop of perspiration trail down his throat and into the bandana he has tied around his neck.

It's hot work but there's only a couple of days before their summer batch of foster families arrive at the farm and there's still so much to do; equipment to be checked, saddles to be oiled, blankets to be washed, horses to be shod, and cabins to be prepared. Louis has a list on his laptop, but he's got it pretty well memorized by now after years of practice honing the routine. He's starting to run it through in his head when Liam's voice pulls him away.

"Martha and Bev coming tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Louis answers without looking up. "Should be here bright and early. Reckon they'll be done in a day."

There are four cabins for them to spruce up before the families arrive. Louis would do it himself but he kind of inherited Martha and Bev along with the farm and he doesn't have the heart to let them go. Besides, his own list won't get done if he has to do the cabins as well, and they have their special way of making it homely with little bunches of flowers, local jams, patchwork quilts, and up-to-date booklets with things to do in the surrounding areas.

"Phil tomorrow too?" Liam enquires after their farrier.

"Mhmmm... It's just Barney, Banjo, and Fairy that need to be shod. We'll keep them in the near paddock overnight so we don't need to chase them down in the morning."

"Good plan," Liam says as he evens off the end of the last lead rope with his knife and reaches down for the small blow torch. He melts the end of the rope to seal the strands together, the smell of burning nylon filling Louis' nostrils. "Everything ready for these mates of Ed's?"

Louis gets to his feet and swings his leg over the tree trunk, twisting side to side at his waist and stretching out his back. "Yeah. I made their rooms up this morning. Not much to do really. Just did the beds and got them some towels. Left the air cons on to keep them cool. Everything's good."

Liam nods as he stands and gathers up the lead ropes, slinging them over his shoulder, both men falling in step easily as they head through the house yard and up the embankment that protects them in case the river floods. It's been a while since the Bell River has breached its banks, but the weather can be a fickle mistress and he's glad of the extra protection.

Louis unlatches the gate, holding it open for Liam, and securing it behind them. He steps up into the saddle shed that sits high atop the embankment and takes the first few offered leads from Liam's hands, hanging them up near the door for easy access.

Liam hands Louis the next batch of leads, a question forming on his lips and Louis already knows what he's going to ask. "Has Ed said any more about these blokes he's bringing?"

Louis sighs, shaking his head. "Nope. The bastard won't tell me a fucking thing. Just keeps saying it'll be fine and we'll love them."

"Why d'you reckon he's keeping it so close-hold?"

"Probably just to wind us up." Louis hangs the last of the lead ropes up and jumps down out of the shed, leather riding boots shifting on the coarse gravel beneath their soles. "He says we'll be pleasantly surprised."

"That's bloody ominous."

"Exactly what I thought. Come on. Let's go and have a cuppa. They'll be here soon enough and then we'll know what we're dealing with."

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