New Possibilities

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"Have you guys done much riding?" Liam asks and the words hang in the air for a few beats before the other three men burst out laughing.

"Liam! How very scandalous of you," Niall says through a cackle.

Liam rolls his eyes. "Fucks sake. You know what I mean."

Harry scoops up another mouthful of cereal and shoves it in his mouth, smiling around his spoon at the easy banter. It's early, only just gone eight, but he'd been up at the arse-crack of dawn still feeling the effects of the time-zone hopscotch they'd dallied with over the last few days. He'd watched the sunrise from a comfy couch on the verandah, cuppa in hand while he waited for the others to surface. Niall was up first, grumbling until he got some caffeine into his bloodstream. Liam had been next, bright and bubbling with energy which Harry is quickly learning is his default persona.

Louis had been last to brave the morning, looking sleep rumpled and painfully gorgeous with his hair sticking up at odd angles and pillow creases on his cheek. He's just so breathtaking and Harry had tried to calm himself down and prepare for another day of being in his presence. It's not easy though. Sitting opposite him now as his eyes crinkle with mirth, smiling happily at Liam's poor word choice and Niall's retort. Harry feels like he's had a lot of good fortune in his life, current career challenges notwithstanding, but he's honestly not sure what he could have done in a previous existence to be deserving of this turn of events.

Harry decides to jump in and save Liam from any further good-natured ribbing. "Worked at a horse riding place just on the other side of the village when I was younger. Weekends and holidays and stuff. Helped with trail rides and mucking out the stables and all that," Harry offers, thinking back to the happy days spent on the farm tending to the horses. He'd loved it. The fresh air and smell of horse shit never failed to calm him. He'd missed it terribly when his footie commitments meant he'd had to give it up. "Haven't been for a ride in ages though," he finishes wistfully, letting the memories wash over him.

Harry glances over at Louis, finding him with his mug of tea halfway to his mouth just staring at him. Harry's eyes go wide and Louis glances away, clearing his throat and setting his mug down.

"Well then, let's get you back in the saddle," Louis says with a shy smile before he schools his features. "Okay! Jobs for the day."

Louis spends the next few minutes splitting up the day's tasks amongst the four of them. Niall and Liam are assigned to home base; sorting through the tack room, assisting Martha and Bev with anything they need for the cabins, and waiting for Phil who is due shortly to shoe Barney, Banjo, and Fairy. Harry will go with Louis out on the trail to take Jilly and Goliath for a run to check the main trail for any fallen branches or other debris that needs clearing. After that, they'll head into town to pick up some supplies, run some errands, and hit up Horseland to collect some new harnesses, blankets, and a couple of saddles that have been in for repairs.

As he and Louis stride through the yard, Harry's filled with a sense of purpose and excitement, a far cry from the life he'd been leading back in the UK before Niall turned his world upside down. Days on end spent doing nothing but staying indoors, hiding away from everyone and everything.

"He's a good boy, old Goliath. Sturdy, stable. Should give you a good ride," Louis says as they approach one of the stalls down Peppercorn Row, carrying their saddles and reins, blankets thrown over their shoulders.

"Goliath sounds ominous," Harry says warily and Louis chuckles beside him.

"Nah, you'll be fine. He's a gentle giant," Louis reassures him. "Anyway, with legs like those you'll have no trouble mounting him."

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