Pumpkin Fudge- Tara's POV

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I walked into the door, holding it up for a couple that had their hands full.

"Thank you, dear," The woman said, smiling appreciatively at me.

"No problem," I answered, smiling back at her. As they walked over the threshold, I walked inside, shutting the door behind me, making the bell chime easily. I paused, to look around for Harry, noticing him sitting the back corner of the cozy store. The smell of coffee and cinnamon was filling me nose as I took a deep breathe. I loved cinnamon. I saw Harry stand up, and walk towards me. I started for him, smiling even wider as I got closer.

"Hi Tara," Harry said, a Cheshire grin lighting up his face, dimples showing, making him look even more cute.

"I shouldn't be thinking this," I thought, mentally slapping myself. Harry walked towards me, arms wide open, ready to embrace me in a hug, causing me heart to flutter. "No Tara!" I thought again.

"Tara," Harry said, his deep voice sounding alluring. My heart was beating a mile a minute. I was falling into his embrace, sighing contently.

"Hi Harry." I smiled, looking into his eyes.

"Do you want to order anything?" Harry asked, looking at me, a small amount of curiosity filling his eyes.

"Sure," I said, trusting my voice to not betray itself. We walked to the counter, and I looked into the eyes of a red-haired waitress. I felt insecure, seeing the waitress with her long unnatural red hair that fitted her complexion perfectly. She also had hazel eyes that contrasted amazingly with the boldness of her hair.

"Hi, would you guys like to order anything?" She asked, looking curiously at Harry, probably wondering if she had seen him somewhere before. I looked at the delicacies lining the counter space, surrounded by plastic lids. I saw a delicious-looking piece of pumpkin fudge, and my mouth started watering. I looked straight at the waitress, and announced what I would like.

"Two pieces of pumpkin fudge please." Harry looked at me, amusement filling his eyes at my obvious discomfort.

"And a hot chocolate please, with caramel drizzle, and... What would you like to drink Tara?" He added, looking at me when he asked the question.

"I'll have the same. Thank you." The girl behind the counter quickly caught on, realizing who Harry was.

"You can have it for free Harry." She said, leaning down on the counter, showing off her cleavage. I was disgusted, and clearly Harry was too. I had heard his breath hitch, and his body stiffened beside me. Shaking it off, Harry spoke sweetly to the girl.

"Couldn't you lose your job that way, though? I would feel horrible if you lost your job because of me." Playing the sweet card, I see. Good for you Harry, good for you. After insisting we didn't pay, the waitress handed us our things, sending me a glare, but a sickening sweet grin at Harry. I grabbed the pumpkin fudge, and one of the coffee cups. I promptly turned away. And strode off towards the back corner of the cafe, where Harry was sitting before. We sat down in a booth, on opposite sides, so we could look at each other.

"I'm sorry about her." Harry apologized.

"Don't be. I'm not worried" I replied, trying to convince him I was fine. Harry looked at me, clearly not convinced. I placed my hand on top of his, realizing how smooth it was, and that it sent tingles down my spine. "Harry, truly, I am fine." I said.

"Okay," he replied, grabbing his coffee cup, and taking a sip of the hot chocolate. I saw him wince as the scalding drink burned his throat. I laughed, causing him to glare at me playfully, and stick out his tongue. I leaned back into the booth seat, the leather molding around my body, and crumpling. I smiled at him, amusement filling my eyes as Harry kept drinking the burning liquid, which kept making him wince.

After what felt like minutes, a waitress came up to us, telling us the the shop was closing and we had to leave. Out coffee cups were sitting empty beside us, and the fudge had been long gone. I looked at Harry, startled.

"Have we really been here that long?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess we have," Harry said, his eyes crinkling as he smiled widely. I had learned many things about Harry, like that he had an older sister named Gemma, and that he was from Cheshire. Harry had told me that he loved being in a band with his best friends, even if they were having troubles at the moment. I stood up, and stretched, many of my stiff joints popping. Harry did the same, his polo sliding up, showing his toned stomach.

"Don't think about it Tara." I thought to myself. I leaned towards the booth, grabbing my jacket, and pulling it on. Over the course of our time at Starbucks, my shirt became untucked and my hair was taken out of it's ponytail. I ran my fingers through my hair, wincing as they got tangled in the knots. I waited for Harry to Lip in his jacket, his shirt rising again. Harry and I apologized to the waitress before heading towards the door. We walked into the chilly air, causing goosebumps to rise upon my skin.

"I'll walk you home, if you'd like?" Harry asked, looking at me hopefully.

"Of course you can." I replied, smiling widely. We began our walk in the direction of my apartment, talking only when we passed something that caught our attention. There was a silence between us, but not an awkward one, a comfortable one. I smiled at the fact that, even though I met Harry yesterday, I was so comfortable with him. We came to my apartment complex, and we walked inside. I nodded a sign of greeting to the clerk at the front desk, before heading towards the elevator, Harry following behind me. I turned around, and stuck my tongue out at him. I yelled to him, "Floor 6! Apartment 69!", before running into the elevator, laughing my head off.

"Tara!" I heard Harry yell at me. I looked up to see Harry running at the elevator, laughing at me, before the silver doors shut on him. The door went surprisingly slow, and when it opened on the sixth floor, Harry was waiting there, out of breath, but smirking all the same. "Seriously?" Harry panted out, playing glaring at me, his emerald eyes ablaze.

"Yep!" I answered cheerfully, popping the 'p', and smiling widely. I strides out of the elevator, leaving a tired Harry behind me. I came to my door, and pulled out my key from my pocket, shoving it in the kick. I twisted it, hearing the satisfying click of the door unlocking. I didn't open the door, but turned to look at Harry instead. The curly-haired boy was looking at me, smiling his signature Cheshire grin. My hand was in the doorknob, ready to turn it.

"Thanks for today Harry. I had so much fun." I said, a huge grin lighting up my face.

"So did I," Harry responded, smiling even more widely. He stepped towards me, pulling me into a tight hug, his chin resting in top of my head. "I mean it Tara. This is the most fun I've had in a while." Harry whispered, causing me to smile widely.

"I'm glad I could help," I answered, my eyes sparking. I leaned towards him, and placed a quick kiss on his cheek, and let my lips linger there. I heard him gasp, and felt his arms tense up around me. I leaned back, blushing. His arms fell off of me and to his sides. He was staring at me with wide eyes. I averted my eyes from his, and bent my head down, my hair hiding my red cheeks.

"Sorry Harry," I whispered. I opened my door, and quickly walked inside, shutting the door hastily behind me. I looked out of the peephole only to notice that Harry had a small grin on his face, and that his hand was brushing his cheek. I blushed even harder, but also noticed that Harry was blushing too. The lights of the hallway were glowing on him, making him look like an angel. I was so embarrassed! I looked out of the peephole again to notice that Harry was walking away. I walked away and launched myself onto the couch, not even bothering to change into my pajamas. I buried my face in the pillow, groaning, thinking that kissing Harry on the cheek was a stupid move. I had probably just ruined the beginning of a great friendship by making it awkward. I fell asleep like that, the memory across my mind at I slept.

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