My Angel- Harry's POV

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I hope she's alright. I feel awful for leaving her beside the willow but management called me, reminding me I had to be at the studio. I didn't want to leave her, but I can't deny the power of these people. I can't stop thinking about Tara. How she smiles and breathes ever so slighty while she sleeps. Tara is my angel. She saved me. I owe her the world. It's only eight in the morning, but I am already planning the entire afternoon. It has to be perfect. I was in the middle of recording when Tara texted me back. I was glad that I had my phone silenced. As if management needed another reason to ruin my life. As soon as we finished, the boys and I all went our seperate ways. The rumors had gotten the best of us, but so had the fame. The lads who were my best friends now hated me. I checked my phone, smiling when I saw Tara's name. I read her text and all doubt was erased from my mind. I didn't know if I should ask her to meet me sooner but then decided against it. I fell asleep that night with a huge smile on my face.


Today was the day. I would be meeting up with Tara at Starbucks. I honestly couldn't wait. She made my heart flutter. It was insane that an almost complete stranger could do this to me. Just thinking about Tara made me smile. The way her greenish eyes were lit, making her look forever happy. I could tell she wore contacts from staring into her eyes. Her hair looked soft, strands of blonde blending beautifully into the brown. I was laying on my bed, surrounded by a thick black duvet. It was so cozy. I could tell it was early in the morning because thin lights of sunlight were filtering into my bedroom through the curtains. The open window was letting in a soft breeze that made the curtains sway gracefully. I sluggishly got out of bed, my footsteps heavy. I trudged downstairs, making my way into the kitchen. The other lads were in there eating breakfast. The smell of eggs and bacon quickly woke me up, making me realize how hungry I truly was.

"Good morning lads." I spoke, a smile making my way onto my face. The boys looked startled by my comment, seeing as usually I was quiet in the morning.

"Good morning Harry!" Louis said enthusiastically. I took a deep breath before realizing I needed to apologize to make things right, not only with the lads but with myself.

"Lads...." I started but was soon cut off by a plate being handed to me. I looked up to see that Liam was passing it to me. I gave him a small smile. "Thanks" I said quietly. I silently made my way into the dining room with the other boys before Liam joined us. "Lads..."I began.

"What?!" Zayn snapped, making everyone jump, and look at him. I looked down, feeling ashamed with myself.

"Look I'm sorry I've been horrible to you guys. I have made this band tense and stressed. I wish I could take back everything. Make it be the way it was before. I just wish I could be your best friend again. I realize that you hate me, I even hate myself. I'm truly sorry lads." I looked up to see that Zayn's gaze had softened and the other boys were heading towards me.

"We could never hate you Harry. Be mad, definietely. Hate you? Never," Niall said, making me smile. I was quickly enveloped into a massive group hug, tears threatening to escape from my eyes.

"I promise lads, I wish make this better. For all of us." I said, my voice almost betraying itself. I looked up to see the clock saying that it was a quarter till eleven. The hug stopped, while I headed for my room.

"Where are you going?" Louis asked me, curiously. I smiled proudly, my dimples showing.

"I have a date."

"Ugh! Seriously Harry? You said you were going to make this better!" Zayn said, complaining.

"I will! This girl has helped me so much already and I only met her yesterday!" I spoke back, defensively.

"Zayn..." Liam warned, sending him a quick glare, before asking about Tara. I smiled widely, before responding.

"She's beautiful lads. Her name is Tara, and she honestly amazing."

"Wow Hazza, you got it bad. I haven't seen you like this in a long while." Louis spoke in a teasing manner. I smiled, teasing back.

"Yeah, because I haven't got a fetish for carrots!" I laughed loudly, before running to my room, Louis chasing after me. I locked my door, and ran to the bathroom, quickly showering, rubbing vanilla shampoo into my curls. It isn't my fault Zayn cares to much about his hair! I got out, wrapping a towel around my waist before going to my closet. I picked out a pair of dark wash jeans and a polo and my red and white vans. I quickly got dressed, grabbing my wrist bands, pulling them on my right wrist. I smiled, realizing that this is how I dressed before my life went down hill. I reentered the bathroom, and brushed my teeth, the mint making my mouth feel refreshed. I walked out of my door, grabbing my cell phone as I passed my mahogany bedside table. I quickly made me way back downstairs, grabbing a jacket and sunglasses, heading for the front door.

"See you later lads!" I called out, the first genuine smile on my face in a while. I took the elevator down to the main lobby, avoiding the fans and paparazzi. I pulled on my jacket, noticing it was just a little bit windy, causing fallen leaves to swirl in the street, and along the sidewalk. I decided to walk, seeing as it wasn't that far away, and it would consume my time more than driving. I couldn't wait to see Tara!

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