Studded Black Belt- Tara's POV

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I woke up earlier than usual this morning, my cozy bed providing much needed warmth against the chilly breeze that floated through the open window. I grabbed my glasses from my bedside table, swiftly putting them on, my vision becoming less blurred. I sat up remembering what happened yesterday.

"Oh my goodness! I have to meet Harry at noon!" I yelled to myself, quickly throwing off my comforter, causing the breeze to hit my uncovered legs, sending goosebumps along the way. I grabbed my phone frantically, looking at the time. I took a deep breath, glad I had a little more than an hour to get ready and meet Harry at Starbucks. I smiled and ran to my closet looking my clothes, mentally deciding what to wear. I decided to wear my favorite purple high-waisted skinny jeans, with a green tank top and white t-shirt. I also pulled on my favorite studded black belt, and ankle high brown boots. I set my clothes on the bed, before grabbing a towel and heading to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the water, letting it warm up, and undressed from my pajama's. I stepped in a minute later, the hot water pounded on my tense back, relaxing me.

I scrubbed the peach scented shampoo into my hair, but soon washed it out, but I repeated the process with the conditioner. I shut off the water, and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my body before stepping out of the shower, the cold air attacking my body again, covering my body in goosebumps. I tied the towel around me so I could move my arms freely without letting the towel drop. I grabbed my brush, running it through the tangled wet mess that is my hair. I smiled at myself, singing one of my favorite song 'Fix You by Coldplay" I laughed to myself, thinking I sounded like a dying cat. I grabbed my neon green blow-dryer turning it on high, running my fingers through my wet hair, drying it. After I finished drying my hair, I headed back into my bedroom, closing my bedroom window first, to stop the chilly air from making me even more cold.

I pulled on my matching undergarmets, before pulling on my purple jeans. I hate to be conceited but these jeans made my bum look amazing. I grabbed my green tank top, pulling it on before doing the same to my white t-shirt. I tucked the tank top, and t-shirt into my jeans, before pulling my belt through my belt loops. I went to my dresser grabbing a pair of fuzzy socks that were below the ankle. I pulled them on my feet, which instantly made me warmer. I looked at the clock, seeing I had about twenty minutes to wait until I could see Harry. I pulled my boots on, before heading to my armoire and grabbing my brush again. I yanked it through my now completely dry hair, slightly wincing as it pulled away the tangles that formed. I grabbed my doedorant, quickly putting some one. Then, I grabbed the Justin Beiber perfume line. I sighed to myself, inhaling the intoxicating scent of my perfume, before slipping on some wristbands and a hair tie. I walked back into the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth, deciding I would eat breakfast at Starbucks.  

I walked out of my bedroom, grabbing my phone and purse, careful to check that I had money. I took my army style jacket off the back of the chair in the living room, and pulled it on, only stopping to check my outfit in the hallway mirror. I have to admit, I love this outfit. I opened my flat door, walking out, before closing it behind me and locking it. I walked down the hallway to the elevator. I pressed the lobby button, as I stepped into the decorated elevator. The walls were covered in a soft velvet on the top half, and covered in wood panels that always seemed to shine on the bottom half. It gave this modern apartment building a vintage feel.  

I pulled out my phone to see if I had any messages from Harry. I didn't. I composed a quick message saying I was on my way, hoping that he didn't forget about our little 'meeting'. As the elevator doors opened on the lobby floor, I stepped out, only to run into one of the employees!

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, looking up to see my gay, best friend Ryan. "Ryan! What are you going here?!" I questioned, glad but confused. He blushed, and responded.

"I'm visiting my boyfriend!" He said excitedly.  

"Wow! We have a lot to catch up on." I exclaimed, before giving him a quick hug and saying goodbye, heading out of the door, on my way to Starbucks. It wasn't a long walk and it was a beautiful but chilly day. The fallen golden brown, excellent orange, and flaming red leaves were swirling in the street and the breeze carried them along. I smiled to myself, seeing that I had gotten a text from Harry.

"Can't wait to see you love ;)" it read, making me blush.

"Oh really? In that case, I can't wait to see you either babe. ;) :p xx" I smiled. I truly couldn't wait to see Harry. A huge smile was on my face, a newfound spring in my step as I walked through the chilly air. I pulled my army jacket tighter around myself, trying to block myself from the wind, my hair billowing behind me. I was so happy, and I couldn't wait to see Harry. I only met him yesterday, but I was enchanted by him. His emerald eyes with the beautiful glow to them. His soft curly hair, that I just wanted to run my fingers through. He had an amazing million dollar smile that always made me grin when I thought about it.

I looked around, taking in the beautiful sights of London. The wonderful park across the street that was always filled with children and their parents, laughing their heads off like they didn't care. The cathedral on the opposite side of the street, the side I was walking on, with its captivating arches, the wonderful stain glass windows, and the red brick exterior. The Starbucks was straight ahead of me, and I couldn't contain my excitement.

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