Vroom Vroom (Epilogue)

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Someone asked for an epilogue and I thought it'd be nice so :) here you are


George shuffled around in his bed, snuggling his head back into a fluffy pillow. The first thought that crossed his drowsy mind was how his body ached with exhaustion, but it only made the sweet, forgiving cool sheets around him more inviting.

He reached to brush some of the hair out of his face, opening his sleep-thick eyelids to a pretty large, clean bedroom, a window across the room steadily spreading light across the place. There was a large desk with multiple monitors and minimal decoration on the white walls, other than some sound panels and fan art. George's eyes opened a bit more sharply at the realization that...it wasn't his room.

Oh my god.

Covering his face with the realization of last night's events, his mind began to race. Right...movie night, the kissing, Dream carrying him inside and laying him down...

He was still in disbelief. After everything that they had done together for years, being best friends, joking constantly about loving each other, it was pretty surreal to have some of those things actually come to fruition.

Now that he thought of it...why wasn't Dream here? George's eyes analyzed the bed he was in, no Dream in sight. Did he leave? Why would he...I mean it was his house, why would he just leave? Did he regret what he did last night at all? Maybe that's why he left...

Alarmingly, George heard the click of a turning doorknob and quickly pulled the covers back over his body. He laid on his side facing away from the door and shutting his eyes, his body threatening to reveal that he wasn't asleep with unsteady breathing.

It must have been Dream, and George didn't know if he was ready to face the almost certainly regretful expression that would be on his face, and being asked to leave his house and go back to the UK so he would never have to see him again.

The sound of careful footsteps in the carpet grew closer, and his heart began to pound harder as he stalled his breathing. There was what seemed like an eternity of silence before the gentle sound of a...plate...?... sounded against the nightstand behind him.

Please leave please leave please leave-

The weight shifted on the other side of the bed behind him, and felt the covers raise up carefully and a body shift close to him, feeling an arm draping over his chest and a light exhale on his ear. George's heartbeat picked up sharply, and a low laugh sounded next to his face.

"I can hear your heart, man." Dream said. George's face heated up with embarrassment. George giggled silently.

The arm around George pulled him closer, and a smile crept its way onto his face. Maybe Dream didn't regret anything that had happened. George knew he certainly didn't.

Comforted, he snuggled back into the blond's hold, moving both his hands to hold Dream's arm, fingers tracing admiringly around the faint freckles on his skin. Things had changed a little since George saw Dream for the first time when he came to Florida to meet him. He felt special to finally see his face, and to know what his best friend looked like. But now, things were actually different. George thought that maybe, seeing Dream's face was the final piece of the puzzle that left him no choice but to fall hopelessly in love with someone he thought for sure he could never have.

George whined when the comforting warmth seceded, turning to Dream and flushed when he saw Dream smirking at him.

"It's okay George." Laughing, Dream sat up on the edge of the bed, reaching for the plate he had set down when he came in earlier, George's eyes following. "Want one?" Dream held his hand out after grabbing from the plate, holding one of the cookies to him. George closed his fingers around the sweet treat, looking down at it in his hold.

"Where did you get these?" George said with a soft giggle in his voice. "They're still warm!"

"I uh...I made them this morning." Dream rubbed the back of his neck, looking away a little. George looked up at him, thoughts occupying his mind.

He really does care, doesn't he?

George leaned up and swung his legs over the bed to sit next to Dream. Hesitantly, he leaned into him and nibbled on the cookie in his hand, blushing when he felt an arm wrap around his shoulder and pull closer to Dream's chest. The two sat there for a moment in a comfortable silence, Dream fiddling around with the top of George's hair.

"Sorry they're kind of burnt." Dream mumbled.

"No it's fine, it's fine." To be honest, George didn't even notice the cookie had scorch marks underneath it. He just enjoyed being under Dream's touch, eating cookies that Dream had gotten up early to make just for him, and only him.

After finishing his cookie a couple minutes later, George spoke up.

"So...when did you...know?"

"What? What do you mean, Georgie?" The nickname earned a little giggle.

"Like...when did you realize you...um...liked me?" George chuckled on his own words, hardly believing he could say them out loud and have it be the truth.

"Oh!...Uh..." Dream stuttered. "I think I knew it kinda for a while...I mean, I kinda really started realizing it when you started doing your face-cam streams I guess...but I wasn't really sure still." He paused. "But then...then I saw you. And...I guess I just couldn't help but love you. You're just so much cuter in person, I suppose." Dream laughed and ruffled the shorter's hair lovingly, earning a little shove away and a huge, adorable smile that he loved to see.

"Well...I'm glad...that you like me." Their eyes met, and there seemed to be a bubble around them that rid the world of everything but each other. Dream placed a hand on George's thigh.

"George...can you be my boyfriend?" There was an evident anxiety in his voice and gorgeous eyes looking expectant.

George smiled just at hearing the question come from his best friend's mouth, and took a moment to process it. Dream really liked him. He attempted to say something when noticing Dream's brows start to furrow with concern.

"Yeah...yes! Yes, I-I want to be your boyfriend, Dream." He fiddled with his hands, feeling nerves crawl up his spine at his own words.

Dream moved his free hand to cup George's cheek, and sweetly connected his lips with George's. It still caught George by surprise, despite yesterday, but not that it was a bad thing. George kissed back, moving their lips softly in sync with each other for a few seconds before seperating. The feeling of their lips on each other's again felt so perfect, an instinct that was finally natural to act on. They both smiled.

"I love you, Dream."

"I love you too, George"

And from now on, things would be better.

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